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Old Man Signing Out

Welcome to the Team Sweat Retirement home, Don't forget bingo is at 7 and night night time is at 9.

You better stay inside the community, we cant handle this kind of loss... can we swap unpoke for you?
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

I wasn't going to respond to this but after reading all of the responses I feel like I need to give one last message

I don't know what I was expecting from this post, but after seeing how many people got in touch with me over the last 24 hours I'm incredibly thankful to every one of you. You're honestly the best and I really mean it.

I think that leaving the community entirely is probably out of the question at this point, I'm still leaving for a much needed break and time away to work on myself, but I'll keep in touch every now and then with you guys. There's a possibility there'll even be something down the line that makes me want to play again.

I have no idea what else to say but thanks again for everything.

(04-17-2019, 05:15 AM)Glazz Wrote:  Dang, you were like a rolemodel for me when I started FRG and I never really got to know you that well. It sucks when everything you do doesn't have any meaning or enjoyment anymore. All those hours spent playing and grinding but in the end, there's no value. Everyone is going to hit that wall and I guess you hit yours a while ago yet you try to climb over it. Anyways, good luck with your future hobbies and I hope you come back for new events, Realms, etc.

The value is in the memories and experiences you create with the friends you make on the server. The items may just be pixels, but personally I wouldn't call the time I spend on here wasted when the community makes it something so special and unforgettable. That's just my thoughts on it, anyhow, your feelings are perfectly valid. In a time like this, however, I feel it's better to look back at all of the fun and enriching experiences that have been had, rather than viewing it as a waste.

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