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Scopes Membership Application

Age: 19 (Can show State ID for proof)

Steam Name(Current): Scopes

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:104466972

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 56h in TTT & 97h in lobby. 152 hours in total.

Where did you hear about this server?: I used to play the server a little bit but It was too confusing but I decided to come back and try it again. Also some of old players I know play here so it really interested me even more.

Have you ever been banned and why?: If I recall correctly no.

Why do you want to join?: Well I want to join membership due to the fact that I love helping out people and also I am starting to get to know the community here. I've been here for almost 2 weeks and plan to stay with FRG as I want to help out as much as possible being a member and maybe one day become a tester.

Referred by: Phrot & Originalmind (You can dm them for proof)

Additional Details: I am almost level 50 and plan to donate in the future.

+1 he slams his keyboard openly on mic and it is the funniest thing ever.

+1 he's alright


Seem good +1

If two moderators support you, I'm supportive, I don't think I recall you well but that just means I had no bad experiences. +1 for membership

+1 like Terran I don't remember you but that's not always a bad thing

+1, No problem with this guy


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