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BURNSY's Contact Details | |
Homepage: | https://steamcommunity.com/id/_Burnsy/ |
Email: | Send BURNSY an email. |
Additional Info About BURNSY | |
Sex: | Undisclosed |
Steam Details | |
Steam Verified | Yes |
Level | 126 |
SteamID 32 | STEAM_0:0:53030931 |
SteamID 64 | http://www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066327590 |
SteamRep | http://www.steamrep.com/profiles/76561198066327590 |
Inventory Details | |
Coins: | 878,202 |
Equipped Items: Mutable AK47Primordial Clip: 15 Mobility: -5% Deploy Speed: 0% Stability: -35% Accuracy: -35% Damage: 8.57% Reload Speed: 10% Firerate: 30.74% There seems to be some form of a socket on this weapon.. Discovered by DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097 Has a 1 in 13.93 Chance to add ammo to your clip while shooting. Has a 1 in 10.05 chance to inflict Joyful Spirit, playing Christmas sounds and slowing them by 20% for 36.63 seconds. Crystal SynergizerGodlike Charges: 6.51 Current Charge: 3.71% This allows you to combine the abilities of two crystals of your choice. You can drag and drop applicable crystals onto this item to add them to it. Discovered by Eclipse Golden Lucky EggPrimordial (1) While this is equipped, increases your chances of dropping a loot orb by 20% from all sources. Item suggested by Vhoxel. Discovered by Danger & DONGERWEED Impact Legendary Grenade Count: 4.02 This grenade instantly detonates upon contact. Grenade Radius is reduced by 50% and Grenade Strength is reduced by 20% . Discovered by DONGERWEED29266602592O3852309764 Event Cooldowns: | |
Grim's Labyrinth: None Worm Queen: None |