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Select what buffs you want to see applied to the Vector. You can choose more than one.
Less damage falloff on Vector, more range.
Deadpool, Easy., fanc typh, FISHERGOD69, ghasT_T
5 33.33%
The longer the Vector is shot, the more damage and accurate it gets.
Easy., ghasT_T
2 13.33%
Remove the slowing firerate and turn Vector into a normal submachine gun.
FISHERGOD69, SP1D3RP1G, the big stink, The One True Pineapple #SaveTF2
4 26.67%
Reverse firing effect and make it shoot faster the more its shot.
ghasT_T, The Black Parade
2 13.33%
I dont care for Vector buffs/adjustments
Creeper Hugger, MicroBoss
2 13.33%
Total: 15 vote(s) 100%