Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 50 hours
Where did you hear about this server?: From NotChosen.
Have you ever been banned and why?: No, I haven't been banned, for any of the reasons that I could be.
Why do you want to join?: I really enjoy this community, I want to be more involved then just sitting around. I want to be able to help the server and discipline the more radical side.
Referred by: NotChosen
Additional Details: I was inactive for a while, and I just started to get back into the game of things. I am very devoted now, hoping to pump tons of hours into this server, and if I am able to help and protect it, I would enjoy it more.
I'm getting a little tired of the server telling me to go to the forums, could we disable that for people who are already registered on the forums?
And why am I getting advertisements for the lobby server? I'm not a member yet.
Hello there. Im the sarcastic asshole that has somehow been extremely stupid on these forums.
The reason?
I honestly don't even know why to be honest. Something over took me and I just kinda became the sarcastic asshole that I have been.
As of right now, I will be trying to fix my sarcastic attitude and try and be nice to people here since you guys are really REALLY nice to each other.
Honestly, I'm not expecting to be loved anymore or have many friends here, but I just think it was 100% wrong of what I was doing.
I mean, no one deservers to be treated like crap and thats how I have been treating them.
I will try and play on the servers more to get to know more people here since I don't know a good number of you and I hope that I can fix what I have broken.
So have a great day and a great week everyone