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Posted by: McNuggie - 11-16-2014, 12:47 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (6)

Really interested in this server, hopefully I can end up getting staff here too and perhaps participating in Beta Big Grin

I'm Aleksandr, most people know me as McNuggie, but hi!

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  Kiefer D's Application
Posted by: Kiefer - 11-16-2014, 12:43 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (2)

Age*: 21
Where did you hear about this server?*: From you on NTG
Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*: I have a general love for Gmod and I'm confident that whatever you end up making will be loads of fun.
Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*: Yes

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  Aleksandr - Beta application
Posted by: McNuggie - 11-16-2014, 12:38 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (3)

(* Required or the application will be denied)
Age*: 14
Where did you hear about this server?*: Uh.. through Brass I guess.
Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*: I was approved for beta testing on NTG and never was I able to do anything with it, and I believe that I am trustworthy enough to become part of the group of beta testers.
Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*: Operator, used to be Moderator.
Any other info: I would really like it if I could have the chance to beta test here! I am so excited for this!

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  xxhackxx-beta app
Posted by: xxhackxx - 11-16-2014, 12:27 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (1)

(* Required or the application will be denied)
Age*: 15 (shhh)
Where did you hear about this server?*: Jake's mouth
Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*: To test things on this "brand new server"
Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*: Operator : ) (hopefully this won't ruin any chances of me being accepted)
Any other info: Hey

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Posted by: [NTG] Brometheus - 11-16-2014, 12:19 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (3)

Formerly known as ranger4 i'm a generally quiet guy who gets along with pretty much everyone. Recently changed my name to Brometheus for entertainment reasons. I hope to meet all of you guys and play some games =D

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  Waffle's Beta Tester App
Posted by: Waffle - 11-16-2014, 12:07 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (3)

Age*: Fourteen, Fifteen in about a month.
Where did you hear about this server?*:Through Next Tier Gaming forums.
Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*:I loved Brass' inventory system on NTG and this seems awesome! A while back I took a break from TTT, but this just might be enough to get me playing again!
Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*:I am.
Any other info:Not really, just thanks for even looking at the application! Chers m8.

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  [NTG] Brometheus' Application
Posted by: [NTG] Brometheus - 11-15-2014, 11:59 PM - Forum: Denied - Replies (1)

Age*: 17
Where did you hear about this server?*: My friend The Bright Knight
Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*: Brass Always put up great content, so i would just like to see the content earlier than most, as well as to help in the development of any content
Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*: Yes i am.
Any other info: I've played on NTG for quite a bit of time, so i've seen it travel through the ages, it's really quite something.

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  MrLlamaShark's Beta Application
Posted by: MrLlamaShark - 11-15-2014, 11:51 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (4)

Age*: 17
Where did you hear about this server?*: On the NTG forums and people on the server
Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*: I want to become a beta tester because I am extremely curious about the things Brass is working on and I'd like to help try to improve it by finding bugs and glitches.
Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*: Yes, I'm a moderator!
Any other info:Not the first time I beta tested for Brass, i'm sure this system is gonna be dope. (and I mean the good kind of dope)

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  Shiny Gyarados' Application
Posted by: Shiny Gyarados - 11-15-2014, 11:36 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (3)

(* Required or the application will be denied)
Age*: 17
Where did you hear about this server?*: Jake1o
Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*:Because I am staff on NTG and I want to help you progress on bigger and better things, you gave me my first chance as a staff member and I want to continue helping you out in anyway I can.
Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*: Yes'm
Any other info: I'm a part of your cult

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  PulseFire Private Beta Application
Posted by: Santa "PulseFire" Claus - 11-15-2014, 11:36 PM - Forum: Denied - Replies (2)

Age*: 16
Where did you hear about this server?*: From Jake1o, and a few other friends.
Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*: Because I can offer my help, aswell as feedback on anything that may be needed. I will help to the best of my ability.
Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*: I was an Operator but I resigned, I'm currently a vip.
Any other info: I know communities very well after Co-Owning and Managing many of them, and I can offer my help in every way that I can.

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