Steam Name of Offending Player(s): CaliMari (Looks like he changed it to MoscowCyotie)
Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:79554369
Map the event happened on: Not sure.
Date of event: 10/21/17
What Happened?: CaliMari decided to go on an RDM streak because no staff was present at the time.
Witnesses: Amano
Evidence: (RDM at 1:30)
(RDM at 3:10)
Whoops on the title my error...
Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:79554369
Map the event happened on: Not sure.
Date of event: 10/21/17
What Happened?: CaliMari decided to go on an RDM streak because no staff was present at the time.
Witnesses: Amano
Evidence: (RDM at 1:30)
(RDM at 3:10)
Whoops on the title my error...