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Grenade Mod Suggestions

The Grenade Mod is actually pretty dope, it reminds me of the Borderlands Grenade Mods. I would love to see this get expanded on with new type of grenades you can use.

Here are some thoughts and ideas for Grenade Mods (I'm not asking for any of these to be implemented, but I want to see new Grenade Mods in future crates or events, also don't know the current Grenade Mods that are in, hopefully I don't repeat them in here).

Healing Grenade Mod
Leaves a mist on the ground that last for 5 seconds, when stepping inside it heals 5 per tick (like Killing Floor 2 grenades).

Toxic Grenade Mod
A green smoke grenade, stepping into the smoke will poison you for X seconds.

TAG Grenade Mod
Can stick to walls and "explodes" (Deals no damage), when it explodes, adds track to nearby players for X seconds (also like CS:GO grenades).

Ignis Grenade Mod
Spawns a static fire tornado.

Trophy Grenade Mod
For 30 seconds, anything that are projectiles (like Tart, Glaedr, arrows, etc.) will be destroyed.

Speed Grenade Mod
Leaves a mist on the ground that last for 5 seconds, stepping in this mist will apply a 20% mobility buff for 10 seconds

Rainbow Smoke Grenade Mod
Rainbow smoke grenades.

Again I'm not asking for these to get put in, just some ideas for other grenades you can think of.

Grenades that spawn little grenades is obviously needed but would be godlike or exotic tier since that can be really great or really bad depending on how it's used (lolkarmabannedeverytime)

more grenade mods yes Exclamation

https://forerunnergaming.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=2979 hmmm
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
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i have a few more ideas for this thread:

Havoc Modifier:
Discombobulator - Pulls players caught in blast towards the grenade (inverted)
Incendiary - Replaces fire, everyone in the blast is iced instead. (maybe even creates an area of ice that slows while on it)
Smoke - smoke it releases does damage every second you stand inside

Holy Modifier:
Discombobulator - Instead of pushing people away, people have more gravity.
Incendiary - The flamepond is capable of igniting players on fire
Smoke - Alongside green smoke, it would heal slightly while having VERY reduced visibility while in it.

Shocking Modifier:
Discombobulator - Who ever is hit has their player change where they are looking every few seconds.
Incendiary - fire when it explodes, anyone caught in the blast will take shock damage.
Smoke - flashbang.

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