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Lost First 6-Trait Craft/Visual Dupe Bug

I joined during a map change and I equipped from my mini-uzi to my G11. Then when I loaded into the server I noticed I had 2 G11s and no mini uzi. The G11 dupe I guess was a visual glitch as when I equipped the 'duped' one to see if it was an actual item, it deleted itself, most likely that it was a visual bug and didnt delete itself due to conflict resolution of 2 of the exact same items existing. I then noticed my mini-uzi was not in the bag where the G11 was (it swapped slots with the G11 since the G11 was in the bag beforehand). I'm not too sure how this occured. I think this might have been somewhat similar with what happened with the Elnieth.

Picture of Bag where G11 was equipped from and where mini-uzi was supposed to be:

The Mini-Uzi:
(I reconned stats on it a few times and dont remember too much except for the fire-rate being 23.5% and the accuracy being -17.5%. I think the mobi might have been around 6.5-7%, idk for sure).

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