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Gibb Rdm and Leave

Steam Name of Offending Player: Gibb

Steam ID of Offending Player:STEAM_0:0:49568775

Map the event happned on: Crummy Cradle

Date of Event: 4/22/16

What Happened: I was Traitor the last round of the map and gibb rdms me and then leaves

Witnesses: None

Evidence:  DMG Logs:  http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/502525219774312418/7A85544CBE9DE4A2AD520FF3BB2E6CFCC8AE2369/
Leave ; http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/502525219774311979/CFDC47D104B0DC2056854BF8B3C65C39359A0809/

Banned for a week, thanks.

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