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Reports Never Dealt With

I know there's times where I forget to check reports, so I assume it's the same with other people.

A surefire way to get someone to handle your report is simply ask them to, I don't think any single person would respond with "no".

I'm pretty sure Mini wasn't purposely ignoring your report. most staff take reports seriously.

im pretty sure mini had just got on when u made ur report, so i think he didnt know what was going on and i had thought a2 was away at the time(in spectator), but i do agree sometimes staff take a lot of reminding to deal with it or just dont do it at all but like kuro said it might just be forgetting

if i can remember i came on to ban someone that said the N word as a report and played a little and a2 was in spectator. i only saw the report of the guy saying the N word by a pic from zombie. if it was at that time then i dont remember seeing a report.

Also if there is staff on (mod and up) try talking to them in admin chat it will be easier for us to see the message
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