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Allow bows to receive ammo in events, so people don't sit in asylum to move an afk and fail *cough* Ban the Unbanned bandit *cough*

Yeah that Ban fellow also ripped me off and I think he should be banned he took 4mil coins from me and spent them all on hellfire crates...

i just dont understand how you fell asleep within an hour...

- That Thrakos Noob

(04-01-2018, 04:02 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  i just dont understand how you fell asleep within an hour...

He's drastically sleep deprived at all times and only runs on caffeine.

Also as I said, we can literally do Asylum with one or two people when it comes to 4/5 mans. The rest can sit afk for the most part or roll crates.

This suggestion should probably be changed to an afk timer that can be queued given a !voteafk command on a particular player. The reason it shouldn't be a flat afk timer is b/c asylum literally requires standing at a pillar for minutes at a time, but a voteafk at least gives that player the option to move. Say, 45s or so before it kicks them. It'd give a bold text that is visible in coin shop and inventory, similar to boss round text. They can rejoin if they're not afk. EZ fix EZ life.

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