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Expand staff member !minigames menu


I, and no doubt others, feel like the !minigame menu for staff is too bland and should be expanded beyond a single boss and a silly round idea like big heads rounds.
I feel like it is a good idea to give staff the ability to spawn most minigames and bosses, maybe barring some, such as Dragon or Spider Queen.
They already have access to Moon Lord, but i do think they should have access to most of these following minigames:

Moon Lord, Easter Bunny, Hunter rounds for the boss rounds.
As i said, i don't know if having Dragon or Spider Queen rounds on the list would be a good idea, or if that would be pushing the limit. It could also be possible to change the bunny themed boss to a more regular one after the Easter event ends.

Orbital and Eggital bombardment, Bouncing and Egging mayhem, Longsword and Infection rounds for the minigame rounds.
It could be possible to change the 2 Easter themed minigames to the regular ones after the Easter event ends.
Of course, i might be forgetting 1 or 2 minigames that might not be too bad of an idea, like i don't know what has happened to Gun Game, apparently it still exists but is rare, but the loot should be buffed in that event anyway for it to be worth the time you waste, but that's another thing already.


This is honestly the part where i have no idea how this should be balanced, like at all, of course i like getting tons of loot and so on, but i don't think we should spam everyones inventory with crap constantly, for the sake of the players and the overall economy. But i did have to think of at least something as a baseline of what i think would be good.

Time wise, since the amount of rounds staff can spawn would increase massively if most of these got added, i think we might need a longer cooldown than 1 hour per event, maybe 1 hour and 20 minutes would be a good, yet not too large increase for boss rounds. I don't think we should have a longer cooldown than 1 hour on minigame rounds, if not a shorter one.

I think it would also be a good idea to add a round based cooldown. Which i think there already is, but heres what i think about it anyway.

-2-3 round overall cooldown-

There should be a round based cooldown between any staff started minigame, i don't know if there should be a cooldown after random minigames, i don't think that would be necessary.
But i do think there should be one after a random boss round, or one started with an item.

After any 1 staff member starts a minigame using the !minigame command, there should be a 2-3 round cooldown depending on the minigame/boss round started before any other staff member can start any minigame or boss round.

Bosses such as Spider Queen, Dragon, Moon lord, Easter Bunny and Hunter should have a cooldown of 3 rounds until the next round using the !minigame menu can be started.
Minigames should have a cooldown of 2 rounds until the next minigame round can be started by staff

-4-5 round personal cooldown-

When a staff member starts any minigame or boss round they should have around a 4-5 round cooldown, depending on the round started, like 4 rounds for a simple minigame and 5 for a boss round, before starting any other minigame that is not on cooldown. This would be good to prevent one staff member being able to constantly spam minigames and bosses. Maybe let them get 2 off in a single map, but no more.

I don't really know the loot drops and duration of many of the minigames, maybe some should be adjusted/buffed to make them more worth spending the time on them, or make them not as op for loot. But, that is an entire other thread, or multiple threads on its own.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and of course if you have any ideas or suggestions, reply to this thread, i hope it starts at least a small conversation and gets something changed.

I think that they should have maybe a 30 mins personal minigame cd instead of 5-6 rounds maybe?

Brass is also planning to make a xp boost for staff to use.

(04-19-2019, 05:37 PM)The Black Parade Wrote:  Brass is also planning to make a xp boost for staff to use.

level 200 already reeee

Every 4 days would be good for a cooldown
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

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