Name: Bird's Requiem
(Essentially the meaning is based on thanksgiving and this gun is like revenge for all the turkeys killed)
Modeled After: Heckler & Koch MP7 (You may know it as Bandit's Primary in Rainbow Six Siege)
(Preferably with the Scope of Image #1 and Suppressor from Image #3)
(Gun Model is at the bottom of this post)
Visually: The model has feathers or String wrapped on the Barrel and has a Wooden vintage look. (The scheme would be similar to a wooden bow) (Images at bottom of the post of the Bow idea)(Wooden texture example is also at the bottom)
Base Gun: Bizon
(From base stats)
Accuracy: (no Change) +0%
Rate of Fire: -45%
Damage: +200% (Assuming its base damage is 6 dmg a hit)
Stability: +25%
Reload Speed: +10%
{Or for damage make it 18 damage a hit (Balance as necessary of course mostly around the rate of fire and damage, in my opinion, because of the Turkey damage on top of this){EDIT: Or whatever to make it not too op, i'm not the best at gun stats, but I would like it to be a decent option for events}
Ability: (Holding E activates ability)
Summon a Turkey(Or a remodeled/textured Gmod chicken/rooster) that will fight for you
Turkey's Attack at a Range and deal 5 Damage every 0.5 seconds
After 30 seconds you can summon another Turkey (up to 3)
Turkeys can be summoned in events
Turkeys can be eaten by other players by pressing their interact/use button (E) to give them a random buff up to +15% or health +25% with a chance for a -20% debuff
Chances between Health, Buff, and Debuff are all 33% (so 66% chance for something good or 33% chance for something bad)
Modeled After:Heckler & Koch MP7 (You may know it as Bandit's Primary in Rainbow Six Siege)

Visually: The model has feathers or String wrapped on the Barrel and has a Wooden vintage look. (The scheme would be similar to a wooden bow)

(Essentially the meaning is based on thanksgiving and this gun is like revenge for all the turkeys killed)
Modeled After: Heckler & Koch MP7 (You may know it as Bandit's Primary in Rainbow Six Siege)
(Preferably with the Scope of Image #1 and Suppressor from Image #3)
(Gun Model is at the bottom of this post)
Visually: The model has feathers or String wrapped on the Barrel and has a Wooden vintage look. (The scheme would be similar to a wooden bow) (Images at bottom of the post of the Bow idea)(Wooden texture example is also at the bottom)
Base Gun: Bizon
(From base stats)
Accuracy: (no Change) +0%
Rate of Fire: -45%
Damage: +200% (Assuming its base damage is 6 dmg a hit)
Stability: +25%
Reload Speed: +10%
{Or for damage make it 18 damage a hit (Balance as necessary of course mostly around the rate of fire and damage, in my opinion, because of the Turkey damage on top of this){EDIT: Or whatever to make it not too op, i'm not the best at gun stats, but I would like it to be a decent option for events}
Ability: (Holding E activates ability)
Summon a Turkey(Or a remodeled/textured Gmod chicken/rooster) that will fight for you
Turkey's Attack at a Range and deal 5 Damage every 0.5 seconds
After 30 seconds you can summon another Turkey (up to 3)
Turkeys can be summoned in events
Turkeys can be eaten by other players by pressing their interact/use button (E) to give them a random buff up to +15% or health +25% with a chance for a -20% debuff
Chances between Health, Buff, and Debuff are all 33% (so 66% chance for something good or 33% chance for something bad)
Modeled After:Heckler & Koch MP7 (You may know it as Bandit's Primary in Rainbow Six Siege)

Visually: The model has feathers or String wrapped on the Barrel and has a Wooden vintage look. (The scheme would be similar to a wooden bow)