12-07-2019, 06:07 AM
I'm not sure what it is about the Scylla but it feels a little bit underwhelming.
The only impressive thing about it is the cool trait.
Why does it take 2 seconds after the animation is finished to begin firing after you draw/reload it?
The stats could use a little buff too (maybe to reload or draw speed to unfuck the animation thingy.)
Just a few small changes would make the gun more enjoyable to use
The only impressive thing about it is the cool trait.
Why does it take 2 seconds after the animation is finished to begin firing after you draw/reload it?
The stats could use a little buff too (maybe to reload or draw speed to unfuck the animation thingy.)
- The wave ability is very niche in its use (which is fine) but nice addition is that the wave wouldn't damage the user (like the oracle or snowglobe), don't really think this would be overpowered.
Just a few small changes would make the gun more enjoyable to use