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Black Parade's Jr. Manager Application


Why should you get the position*: As an Admin and previous ranks I've grown quite familiar with the rules. I try my best to answer questions about rules that would apply to case-by-case scenarios. I want to solidify these rules and make it apparent to what myself and other users might think they should be.
I would also like to help Unpoke with applications. I want to add input on the decision making, and of course if Unpoke is not able to complete applications at the time I will definitely put my effort into it!

Do you understand the responsibilities and agree to keep up with the required quotas: Yes, but I want information from Unpoke and his thought process of being a Manager if he is willing to lend a hand for me so I can understand his routine.

Other Notes: Jr. Manager is not a position, but I think it would become one if someone was to be promoted. I wanted to see what people, including Brass, Unpoke and other staff members think of me becoming a manager. Of course though the manager position is filled, I want to see if I have a chance. I understand that if this gets denied because the position is already filled it is out of my control and I completely understand.

Through my efforts in contributing to the content on the server and staffing, I think I've been here long enough to see if I'm up to the task. Please give your honest opinions.



+1 See him on often and pretty cool guy.

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