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Mary's Membership App


Steam Name(Current): Mary

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 62 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: Cyan got banned off a vanilla TTT server we both played on and so he's like, "hey, let's play on this server" so we played on this one, and then we went to another modded server which I absolutely hated so I told him I rather play on this one... So, yeah.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope, I'm a female, so it's kind of hard to get banned unless you're a raging bitch.

Why do you want to join?: I've been only playing this server and this server took my modded TTT virginity. Oh and I like most of the people.

Referred by: McNuggie/Cyan.. I think only those 2

Additional Details: Uh I don't know how to make this app 'beefier' which Terran says to do from other applications. Sooo...hi, I'm going to sell drugs legally when I'm outta pharmacy school/university.

YES! I know it sounds silly, but she's loads of fun to play with and is helping me open my eyes to "Not being a jerk to people" (Which I'm working on). She never RDM's and always just plays to have a good time, which results in everyone else to have a good time. The application is a bit beefier too, enjoy the drug trade Tongue.


+1 I never see mary cause problems and is 99.99% of the time fun to play with

+1 she follows rules and is nice to everyone, is very fun to play with and is OP as fack, she'd be a GREAT addition to FRG as well as any other server she is a part of

McNuggie Member Applicant Ranking System

may or may not be a copied/poorly edited version of the staff applicant ranking system

all credit to this system goes to a friend


Disclaimer : "The following is purely from McNuggie's perspective and does not necessarily represent facts or FRG community thoughts, and is subject to change"

The scoring system is with 5 being the best, and 1 being needs improvement.

1. Does the player frequently play on the server: 5
2. Is the player active on the forums: 3
3. Does the player know the rules: 5
4. Will the player represent the server well as a member: 5
5. The player does not troll: 5
6. The player has/uses his mic: 5
7. Communication skills: 5
8. Respects other players: 5
9. Respects staff: 5
10. Fun to play with: 5
11. Does the player show potential for staff in the future (for reference): 4
12. Is the quality of the players application showing that the player is serious about becoming member: 5

Score: 57/60

Grade: 95% A

Final Notes: I didn't meet Mary until very recently, but hell, Mary is definitely one of those people who should get member hours after their application is posted. It took a bit of convincing to get her to finally post one, but I'm glad she did. I can honestly say nothing bad about her, she follows the rules, she is extremely fun to play with, and if she continues acting like she does, and being fun and happy whenever she plays, I think she could go further up the ranks past member if she wanted. I definitely without a doubt support Mary as a member, and there should be nothing stopping her from getting it. Large +1

Fun to play with (Not to eat) and doesnt really get in trouble so yeah. +1

Fun to explode and laughs manically, a definite +1 and cant wait to plant a remote mine under her feet.

I don't know if it's in my place to +1 someone, but Mary def. deserves to be apart of this community.

HUGE +1 very fun to play with, respectful, and knows the rules. Would be a great Member!!

Great fun This community is nicer then NTG she PROVES this I said my final goodbyes on ntg as i wasnt perma banned on the servers only forums and nobody cared RadiactiveTwinkie kept asking for my items and i said no i might return in 1-2 years so then he starts saying oh well im like shoomez im rich or some bullshit he proves ntg has a *Bad* community she proves frg has a *Good* Community thks for being a great person +1

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