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nice_the_bear Membership Application

Age: 15

Steam Name(Current): nice_the_bear

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 141 hours 33 mins

Where did you hear about this server?: It was just on the main server list so i joined and instantly loved it and continued to play on it.

Have you ever been banned and why?: no

Why do you want to join?: I thought it was about time to apply for member because i'm usually always on, i love the server and community, and i think i'd be a great help to the server.

Referred by: McNuggie And Excel

Additional Details: I have a mic i just dont use it.

He's just as fun as Naughty, and together they're a great team. Nice is a little bit more RDM-y than naughty, contrary to his name, but its always minor, with friends, in good fun and he's 100% OK with any slays that result (Even going so far as to slay himself if he really has to). He's played a lot and shows dedication, so yeah! +1.

Nice is a fun guy to hang out with and with naughty they wreck people. I hope nice and naughty get member. +1

+1, obviously the better of the bear twins

+1 Look at naughtybear's member app if you want to know why +1 +1 +1

+1 Would make a great member and asset to this community.

Never understood why your avatar is Shrek, but putting that aside, I've probably seen you on more than anyone else, and you are a cool guy. +1
Umpty Dumpty

I don't know if it's in my place to +1 someone, but Nice_the_bear def. deserves to be apart of this community.


+1 hes a cool dude, follows rules, plays fair and doesn't cause shiz. Hes got my vote.

+1. You're pretty quiet but that not bad. Yo would make a pretty good member. Only issue I've seen maybe once or twice is you getting a bit too mad when you get rdmd. But rdm is annoying so meh. You're a cool guy and i definitely support u as member.

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