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alein12333 - membership application

Age: 15

Steam Name(Current): alein12333

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 3 hours 49 min

Where did you hear about this server?: I found it on the server list, and decided to play it

Have you ever been banned and why?: Once or twice, for accidental rdm, and prop surfing, but both of those were only temporary bans

Why do you want to join?: I plan on returning to this server, and I've found that it is better some times to be a part of things, rather than just a guest

Referred by: No one in particular, but I played with Terran, YoNemo, and a couple of other members

Additional Details: I just wanted to say that even if you decide to not make me a member, your servers are awesome, and I can't wait to keep playing on them

Requirements:At LEAST 50 hours of playtime.

Sorry, as Excel said you must have 50 hours of playtime to apply for member, and the fact that you have been banned twice already within 4 hours isn't good.

bro banned twice and you put up an app with 4 hours.... are you joking right now?

This just made my day
Umpty Dumpty

but guys
hes probably a good player
even tho he only has 4 hours of play time and already been banned
Oh Hey...it's me C:


How do you manage that. 4 hours and you have 2 bans averaging 1 ban every 2 hours (more than that). I have like 250 hours that means by your standards I would have about 125 bans.

You don't have to 50 hour requirement! Re-apply when you do.

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