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Need some ideas and input.

Ok, so I'm planning out a market(or bidding) system, that will be accessible on the forums(not like NTG's more like Steams marketplace), and In game.

This system will also be used to give an estimate for how much your item is worth, based on previous transactions, this I hope will help newer players not get sharked.

Here's what I have planned:
Calculate an average % rating for your Item, that is, all stats are stored as a value 0 - 1, then I just calculate an average based on how many stats. (say you have 4 stats, .3, .5, .6, .25, the average would be (.3 + .4 + .6 + .25 )/ 4 which is .3875)

I then calculate a % rating for any traits/suffixes attached to it(slightly different way, but overall same result).

After these values are calculated, I search previous market transactions for similar item quality, and trait qualities, these are found with a set + or - margin, it just looks for SIMILAR qualities.

With that data, I calculate an average price estimate for the item, based on an average of the 10 or so most recent transactions, this is shown to players so they now know the estimated worth of it.

The problem I have now, is that I can't decide what to do when NO results are found, do I simply state "Not enough transactions to estimate price" or do I search at a wider margin, or even take away a trait to search?

I'm worried because, this system doesn't work if the first item of something is dropped. So if a newbie gets a really rare item FIRST, they have no idea what it's worth.

Any ideas?

That sounds like a load of work, but it'd...Work. What if you made it something similar to the Grand Exchange on Runescape?

First, leave the Grand Exchange (name pending?) completely empty. Players can place an item up there as a listing, and another player can buy it. If it goes successfully, then the price paid for it is logged. Over time, all sorts of items will have their prices logged, and eventually an average would be met. That average could constantly update; - Say, a Suffering Famas sold for 4,000 Coins, then another sold for 4,100 coins. It'd average at about 4,050 coins for a price. But a week later, two more sell, one for 3,500 and another for 3,700. The price would be slightly lowered to match this new "Average" (Meeting it halfway between both averages?)

You'd have to make sure that there's a way to differentiate between a Suffering FAMAS with minimum positive and maximum negative stats and one that's the opposite, so its a foothold right there.

It'd give it a "Player controlled" market that would still have an open-air option. Of course, this could be abused (People listing something for one coin or something), but even if they did that they'd lose their gun to whoever bought it, so I doubt they would.

Anyways. Your idea sounds better though, I have no idea how mine would even work. Just rambling.

My idea is basically the same as the first one you listed.

It will calculate an average based on previously sold items of similar quality.

My question was what to do when no item sales were found for that specific item, I think I'm just going to have it display "No sales have been made yet for this Item", and require ~5 or so sales to calculate an Average. But they will be notified that it's only an ESTIMATE. Just to help give an idea at how much your item is worth.

But yeah, there would have to be a coin fee for listing, to help them not be abused.

I've also decided to have two different listing types, one being a "Bid war" where you can set a starting price, and time limit for the auction, players will bid and the highest bidder will win the item.

Second is a "Fixed Price", where you simply set the price and wait for someone to buy it for that price exactly.

What if someone plan to raise the price of his own items.

Someone buy his items at a high price. the other guy buy his items back for the same high price.

It would give these items a fake value

(12-06-2014, 05:24 AM)Jerjer Wrote:  What if someone plan to raise the price of his own items.

Someone buy his items at a high price. the other guy buy his items back for the same high price.

It would give these items a fake value

They wouldn't because there's a Coin fee that's based on a % of your listing price.

Hm. This is totally off topic and probably shouldn't be posted, but it'd be neat if there were semi-routine mini "Tournaments" that players could bet guns on which side would win, or coins and stuff. A la, CS:GO?

Sort of like ye olde 2v2 of the past. Anyways, yeah. The idea of a centralized market sounds amazing, especially to help promote fair trading, but it is scary to think that things could be restricted to a set price. Of course, people can still barter, and its not like every trade is going to be coins > guns or vice versa. (gun-gun-coins > gun or what-not.)

Maybe Add a daily lottery systems.

each day there is a new gun on the market and people buy ticket to win it.

I think the server is going great! Cant wait a month or 2 from now when you are going to create more ideas and shit!
Sample Text.

I would say to add something that could see if multiple people ARE trying to bid something up to ban them for the market thing.

Cause I could see it being exploited since Person A could sell something and Person B would then buy it higher then Person C would buy it higher then Person A buys it higher then sells it to a Person D (who is new) for an outrageous amount. I'm sure something can be made but would not/should not be top priority.

Another thing, couldn't someone 'corner' the market by buying up all of a certain type of gun? Since if you could buy lets say glocks, could someone buy up ALL glocks then sell them for an outrageous price?

I may be very wrong and you have already thought of this but I'm just pointing it out now rather than later.
Oh Hey...it's me C:


Off-topic mostly, but still, how about there's an login reward system like this:
Like replace the points, zombies, guns & such with something else, and the 4 empty squares will be ment for a daily roulette, which gives you 1 of the 4 items that have appeared.
You can replace them with a random gun from a certain tier, a certain type of gun from a random tier, uniques - whatever you think of!

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