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snip - GMOD Workshop Edition

snip 1
snip 2
snip 3
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snip 6
snip 7
snip 8
snip 9

Snip 1 & Snip 9 are working.

Add back the teletubbies!
Oh Hey...it's me C:


Wha? What did I miss?

(12-08-2014, 04:43 PM)Rangerdanger0 Wrote:  Add back the teletubbies!

There's literally no more vote space.

(12-08-2014, 04:56 PM)Terran Wrote:  Wha? What did I miss?

Choose & see!
Or just vote for things to be added. Will be testing more to see compatability - weapon handling is good, but, since I don't really own CSS & just models, CSS guns are actually crutch guns for all of my player models - custom & default, so can't do a realistic test for TTT - but, judging via FA2:S SWEPs (since Brass uses part of them), they look pretty well.

Also, question:
How to spawn bots?

Oh Hey...it's me C:


Edit: Whole post was mean.

Anyways. Please, god, no. If I had to witness something like this on FRG, I would veritably lose my mind. This sort of atrocity is akin to the rape and defilement of all of my natural beliefs in the world. Truly, I would sink into the deepest of voids and live inside of an eternity of regret and displeasure, forced to server at the whims of the most awful hells. This is not an over-exaggeration, this is the only true feeling that I could comment on the situation. Please, for the love of ALL that is good in the world, may we PLEASE not turn FRG into one of the many two-bit WHORES of a server that slathers cheap custom "Models" from the workshop into a sloppy, disgusting mess. Thank you.

snip 1 Is really fucking gay. please no furry shit. Also: "wiggly tail". Fucking kill me.
snip 2 Is funny but shitboxes would be even worse
snip 3 Same as snip 2
snip 4 Not bad
snip 5 Is ok
snip 6 No
snip 7 Meh
snip 8 He looks fucked up
snip 9 Also fairly fucked up looking

Really dont need a shit ton of player models. All I care for is Eli. The basic player models in gmod (the half life ones or whatever) are fine, anything more would need to at least have a good model that wouldnt make shooting at people turn into a quest to find where their head actually is (fucking teletubby).

The only thing that I would maybe vote for is the gm_harvest.
Fuck the max 2 image limit. (Imagine happy asian guy here)

This was supposed to be an call-out post on model makers that they make amazing FUCKING FURRY player models (and not maybe different - like a Diablo 3 character converted or so), but then I went suggesting stuff, since meh - Like I said, the first & the last one DON'T shitbox - infact, snip-1 is most likely the best variant EVEN if it's on that theme - atleast no genitals. Also, I tried the tail - if you go spinning too fast, it can spazm & go weird. Though, it's an HDefinition & HQuality model. Same for 6.

#8 & #9 - they aren't from a new game - it's a conversion from a good one - I don't think anyone has made an HD one yet, if we exclude the ones on the RAGE (GTA IV) engine.

(12-08-2014, 10:14 PM)Bottle4 Wrote:  This was supposed to be an call-out post on model makers that they make amazing FUCKING FURRY player models (and not maybe different - like a Diablo 3 character converted or so), but then I went suggesting stuff, since meh - Like I said, the first & the last one DON'T shitbox - infact, snip-1 is most likely the best variant EVEN if it's on that theme - atleast no genitals. Also, I tried the tail - if you go spinning too fast, it can spazm & go weird. Though, it's an HDefinition & HQuality model. Same for 6.

#8 & #9 - they aren't from a new game - it's a conversion from a good one - I don't think anyone has made an HD one yet, if we exclude the ones on the RAGE (GTA IV) engine.

I could honestly care less if they make amazing furry models since they are nasty to look at and would never use it or play on a server with them.
Fuck the max 2 image limit. (Imagine happy asian guy here)

snip 3 is sexy af

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