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Minehuis Member Application

Age: 14 Years Old

Steam Name(Current):Minehuis(Nerdy)-Fire-

Time played on servers?(!time username to check):100 Hours

Where did you hear about this server?:I came from NTG

Have you ever been banned and why?:Yes I have for suspect Item farming. I don't know why cyan banned me after coming back from afk. Later it was over turned by McNuggie.

Why do you want to join?:I love playing on this server I love the people here. I like how there are no benelli to ruin the game. I love the mini games and the random give aways. I like how there is quest that you dont have to buy for a very big price. The lobby server makes it feel like you want us to play on this server.

Referred by:None

Additional Details:I follow the rules strictly which can cause so conflict between me and other players.
I am not ranger. I am Minehuis.

Sorry Minehuis, I'm gonna have to see you a bit more. You have a small attitude problem on the servers, I've witnessed it against myself personally (although I hope we're behind our past issues), so if I see you fix that a little bit i'll definitely consider +1ing you.

oh yeah baby
hes the best
better than eons by a long shot

Oh Hey...it's me C:


+1 Eons brother and Ranger. Does not rdm and is a bully cause he won't sell me the m16.

More feedback?

I feel like what McNuggie said is kinda true. I feel like the conflicts between you and others is not a result of the rules but rather how you adress them/other players. I'd like to see you play a bit more aswell so I can get a better feel of what you would be like as a member but for now I'm going to leave this unrated. Depending on your actions in the future I'll +/-1 this but I just wanted to leave that comment(s).
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

Mine isn't that bad. I'll +1.

I've had conflicts with mine maybe once or twice. but over all he's a great guy! so ill +1 him
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

Denied. Feel free to reapply anytime.


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