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best birthday ever

Its a shit day. It starts with me cleaning my room with a shop vac. The nozzle tips over a glass of tea onto my keyboard and I clean that. I remember my aunt saying you could put your keyboard in the dishwasher once you take off the keys, so I took off the keys and washed it in the sink. I dried it off then put the keys back on and plugged it into my pc. Then a lot of keys aren't working and there's some errors with the driver or whatever so I restart my pc thinking that's the problem. Then I remember that I had changed my windows password but caps lock or something was fucked, but I remember changing my windows password the previous day. I changed it to my steam password but odd enough that didn't work. I tried multiple variants of it and gave up. I looked up how to reset my windows password and it stated I needed to boot my PC from the windows disk. I can't seem to find my 64bit disk, only the 32bit disk. Thinking it would also work I put that in my PC and launch that. Then it redirects me to a "install windows 7" screen. That leaves me here. Locked out of my PC with a broken keyboard.

Best birthday ever.

C'mon brotato, even if your aunt said it was a good idea... A dishwasher? Really? Sorry but I can't get over that man. That's like falling for the cell phone in the microwave thing, sure people said it works but it really doesn't.

Why did you post this again you stupid fuck
Fuck the max 2 image limit. (Imagine happy asian guy here)

Your aunt is CLEARLY from 4chan and probably posted about how she got you to fuck up your keyboard.

Like i said before its your fault all of this happened.

(07-01-2015, 03:28 AM)DahEpuk Wrote:  Why did you post this again you stupid fuck

I dunno

Mobile is pretty shit because I didn't mean to post it again

(07-01-2015, 03:13 AM)Bro-Tato #BIRTHDAY Wrote:  I remember my aunt saying you could put your keyboard in the dishwasher once you take off the keys, so I took off the keys and washed it in the sink
Best birthday ever.

Last time you said dishwasher. Either way, what the fuck were you thinking.
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

My PC is down right retarded. I'm just gonna fac. reset it.

I won't lose too much porn, but I will lose a lot of torrents

just reset pc

downloading all my shit again

What I read was, you're one special little cupcake Bro-Tato. Don't let these waffle lovers bring you down. They all are too doopid to wash their keyboards in the dishwasher

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