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Because I can't post in suggestions

Can you make saying "nigga", not a hour ban, and not take the word to such a extreme were it's actually neseccary to ban somebody who says it for a hour? Maybe you could do 3 warnings, 1. Verbal/Text 2.Kick 3.1-6 hour ban?
 At terrans a fucking weebyahoo.com



he said it. ban him now.

Eh. I think it was more of an introductory "We're taking things seriously here, no screwing around"...While it wasn't really the WORD, it was the fact that authority was stretched. A firm law at the beginning prevents problems later on. The ban may be a bit harsh since you only said it to a friend as a joke, but, still, it promotes bad privileges. A warning would do though.

Voting no and not putting the reason you're voting "no" makes that vote not actually count, sorry.

Justify your reasoning, kthanks
 At terrans a fucking weebyahoo.com



I personally don't care about it, but it could lead to more severe words being thought of as "OK". It's derived from an extremely racist word, and the last thing I want to see is a bunch of 15 year olds calling everyone "N***ers".

Who banned you for it?

Yeah, I don't believe we should care about "Nigga". Find me one black person who is offended by it's use, and I will change my mind.

While it IS derived from the extremely racist word, it's meaning has changed and evolved into something not so racist. I mean, you don't see people trying to insult someone by calling them that, right?

We don't want to be THAT serious around here when it comes to things. Racial slurs, and other offensive terms will be handled on a per incident basis for now.

Alright. As long as it isn't used as an insult, it should be fine then? Because I do tend to call people "My niggah" when they're a friend, but treading lightly is something I...Maybe excel in.

But using it rudely and trying to verbally abuse someone with it would be bad still, right? Same if someone kept calling you a "Bitch" over and over. It just isn't polite.

My bad Breezy. I had my rules wrong. Nigga is totally okay but Ni***r is not. At least it was only a 60 min ban right? Lol

What about Fag?
I know Grass is untoleratable about it, but still - Let's admit it, most of the people would still go for Fag, Faggot, Feg, Fegit, etc.
And can't you just say "Ma Homie" Instead of "Ma Nigga"?

As long as something isn't meant to be disrespectful its generally not a problem. People call each other fags/assholes/bitches/dicks/whores/dickbutts/buttdicks all the time, and its not a problem unless its used with the intention of hurting people. Its obviously a bad idea to let people use the "real" word, but people say nigga all the time and I've never heard anyone try to use it as a slur.

Yeah, as long as it's not used as an insult, I don't care. Just please keep really vulgar/racist words off of here.

I want this server to be more relaxed, and not ALL about rules.

That being said, I will get rid of ANYONE who's causing problems, or failing to abide by our simple rules, so watch yourself breezy(and DNO).

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