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Game Stories

Did something cool? Found something weird? Fun stuff happen? Tell us about it!

I was bored and playing Civilization 5 alone, so I set up a huge world with 17 civs and max city-states (oddly enough: no city states.) I was the Huns, and this was on Marathon mode (Everything takes, like, 6x as long to build/do). My Warrior is exploring the countryside, and finds an ancient ruins, where it equips itself with "advanced weaponry"...It became a goddamn battering ram. So, I explore with my two-speed-movement battering ram and find a city. Grinning like a shitlord, I attack the civ (Germany, I think?) with my battering ram. I demolish them. Later on I scoot around and find Japan, with two cities. I take 'em both.

I got a city at like turn 28 and two more at turn 70 or so Marathon. (It took 35 turns to make a granary with high production!

I was playing battlefield 4 and just got sniped by someone. As I was watching the death cam I see a fucking jet flatten him right into the ground. I never laughed so hard xD

While playing CSGO on Nuke, I was on the catwalk outside heaven towards CT and I had a tazer. I jump off, 360, and taze a guy in the face. I just stood there and laughed so hard.

So many stupids things have happened to my friend while playing FIFA against him that I dont even know where to start so Im not going to

But trust me, he is extremely unlucky when it comes to FIFA
Fuck the max 2 image limit. (Imagine happy asian guy here)

Battlefield hardline, playing escort the vip. I was leading the team as bossy as I am, I told everyone that to jump off the roof, everyone made except the vip. He went to far out of the map and he couldn't make it back before the timer went out.

I was playing Skyrim, and as soon as a cinematic ended I rushed at some chick and crit her head off. She went through a scripted teleport a second later and attacked me despite being decapitated.

I dint really have anything weird but i just 1 deaged someone that was across the map on dolls while he was falling with the last shot of a nighthawk

I am an assassin in Battlefield 4! I stabbed one guy in the back, turned around and counter knifed another, side stepped a guy who slashed at me, stabbed him in the throat, and then finally stabbed another in the back. I wish i could have recorded it.

On the TTT server it was a 1v1 between me and some new guy, grappled to the top of the skybox, pulled out my .50 tried to noscope him mid-air while I fell to my death.

Hit him in the foot/limb and got him to near death and I died Sad((( IT WOULDA BEEN SO COOL IF I HIT HIS FACE OR TORSO

Brass and I were playing Halo 2 system link at his house and we were doing the wraith glitch where it sends you flying. Google it if you don't know what that is. Anyway, one of the times Brass sent me flying out of the map over a canyon and as I fell to my death master chief did the goofy yell.
We both died laughing to the point we were in tears and we were NEVER able to recreate that death sound again. We also have tried to find a video of someone else doing it and have had no luck. We are both pretty sure it was 1 in a million and we are the only ones to ever do it.

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