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(Sam Winchester) - Membership Application

Age: 18

Steam Name(Current): Sam Winchester

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 151 hours, 48 minutes

Where did you hear about this server?:
I just randomly selected a server to play on one day
Have you ever been banned and why?:
I have not been banned on the server yet because I have not broken the rules enough to do so.
Why do you want to join?:
I find this server and its elements very interesting and fun to use. Also I have made many friends here and it sure is a great experience.
Referred by:
No one really, I asked terran how he should feel if i were to apply for anything and he said that he thinks I'm a good player but is not sure of how I would moderate or admin the server as in he hasn't seen me do anything like the sort just yet.
Additional Details: I hope to help out and make a better experience here at FRG Smile. It's a fantastic server and I don't think I would say any other server beats this one.

He's a good representation of Membership on the servers, calm and plays nicely. I've seen him get riled up a few times but he doesn't disrupt game-play, and he's pretty down-to-earth. No reasons for me not to +1, so...+1!

Ew this kid is salty and I love him Great guy +1
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

he is really nice to other players and would be a great member +1

i need to stop doing this

Pretty cool guy, never rdm's, is on quite a lot definitely a +1!

sam is good guy he needs member +1

+1 for sure, never woulda guessed you're 18 though :0

- That Thrakos Noob

He told me to +1 him , but I don't do what people tell me to do because I'm a rebel. Even if he's a great player and I enjoy playing with him I gotta -1 him because I'm a rebel.

(Joking, Sam is awesome so +1)

he's pretty ok. I wish he was more active on forums but he is very active in game and doesnt cause problems so +1.

Didn't like him at first, but I got to know him and he is a really sweet dude. Represents the server well +1

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