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Id like to become a member

Steam Name(Current): THE MARINE

Age: 17

Current Rank: user

Have you ever been banned and why?: yes once, a rdm and leave.

Why would you like to be promoted?: id like to get promoted becuase i really like this server and id like to stay on this server and eventually make commentaries on it.

Why do you think we should promote you?: i think i should be promoted becuase i have only rdm once out of the whole time being on the server and i try to play by the rules and i enjoy playing on frg.

Do you have any administrative experience?: yes my friend made a server and i use to be the head admin till he shut the server down :/

Additional Details: i enjoy playing on frg becuase of the whole market thing with the guns and all that stuff lol i think its cool how it was designed Smile

You need 50 hours, sir

It's required you get 50 hours of gametime to play. No getting around that rule. Type "!time Marine" ingame to see how many hours you have.

- That Thrakos Noob

lmao. 50 hours needed
Umpty Dumpty

Denied. Feel free to reapply when you have 50 hours.


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