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Terrans Silly Misc. Suggestions

+1 because terran is a fag

Added summa dose shamelessly ripped crystal ideas

Alright. Well, I was thinking of a way to "Heal" in the game, and I couldn't think of ANYTHING that I liked. Leeching health seemed neat, but it was too luck based to appeal to me. I just couldn't get a feeling for it. Regen bubbles or health kits made no sense whatsoever to me, they felt too overused and "Off-hand" of a sense. Then something clicked: Players should be able to SLIGHTLY heal, slowly, but they should not be able to "Do" anything else while doing it.

Now, I don't know if the Magneto Slot can be changed, but I had an idea. There'd be a new equipment slot, on "Accessories" (I wouldn't know what to classify the Magneto Stick as), and you could equip a kind of gem there. Or an orb, an orb sounds better. Now, if you equip your orb (How you would equip the magneto stick), you would gradually heal as long as you held it, but only to a certain point. For example, a lower quality orb would heal you only to, say 40hp, while a better one might top you up to 80. This means you'd never be able to fully heal yourself UP, once you lost a certain amount of life you'd be in a boned situation anyways. You also wouldn't be able to attack people while healing. Now, I'm going to end the slight wall of text (Well, not really a wall in any real way), and jot down some rough ideas.

Also, my "Rarity" level is kinda wonky, but very common would be about Competant tier, while Uncommon Glock-a-doodle-doo level. Rare would be like Nighthawks or Umpty Dumpty's, Very Rare like a Bellum, and Extremely Rare...Well, Extremely Rare.

BEFORE YOU READ: Yes, this would mean that you would have NO Magneto Stick while using an Orb!

Name: (The name/tier of the Orb goes here.)
Healing Rate: (This is how fast it heals per tick/second.)
Healing Cap: (This is the maximum limit of life that you can be healed to.)
Healing Limit: (This is how much healing the orb can do before being "Drained".)
Additional Benefits/Description: (Any added "Bonuses" that the gem gives while holding it, may also have a slight description of any unique properties.)
Rarity: (How rare it is to find, roughly.)

Name: Cracked Orb of Healing
Healing Rate: 1 HP/2 Seconds.
Healing Cap: 40 HP. (You cannot heal past 40HP. So, if you're at 22HP, you can heal to 40HP. But, if you're at 41HP, you cannot heal any higher.)
Healing Limit: 40 HP. (An example would be you're at 35 HP. You heal to your cap of 40. You now have 35/40 of your healing limit remaining.)
Additional Benefits/Description: None.
Rarity: Very Common
Name: Chipped Orb of Healing
Healing Rate: 1 HP/1 Second.
Healing Cap: 50 HP.
Healing Limit: 60 HP.
Additional Benefits/Description: None.
Rarity: Common.
Name: Dull Orb of Healing
Healing Rate: 1 HP/4 Seconds
Healing Cap: 70 HP
Healing Limit: Infinite
Additional Benefits/Description: There is no healing limit, although this orb heals very slow.
Rarity: Common
Name: Rapid Orb of Healing
Healing Rate: 3 HP/ 1 Second
Healing Cap: 50 HP
Healing Limit: 40 HP
Additional Benefits/Description: A fast rate of healing with a harsh limit.
Rarity: Uncommon
Name: Dense Orb of Healing
Healing Rate: 2 HP/2 Seconds
Healing Cap: 80 HP
Healing Limit: 100 HP
Additional Benefits/Description: -20% movement speed when holding this orb.
Rarity: Uncommon
Name: Lightweight Orb of Healing
Healing Rate: 1 HP/1 Second
Healing Cap: 100 HP
Healing Limit: 100 HP
Additional Benefits/Description: +20% Movement Speed when holding this Orb.
Rarity: Uncommon
Name: Exquisite Orb of Healing.
Healing Rate: 4 HP/ 2 Seconds.
Healing Cap: 70 HP
Healing Limit: 120 HP
Additional Benefits/Description: None.
Rarity: Rare.
Name: Flawless Orb of Healing.
Healing Rate: 4 HP/1 Second.
Healing Cap: 100 HP.
Healing Limit: 150 HP.
Additional Benefits/Description: None.
Rarity: Very Rare.
Name: Reversing Orb of Healing
Healing Rate: None.
Healing Cap: 100 HP.
Healing Limit: 200 HP healed.
Additional Benefits/Description: When holding this orb, any damage you take drains the Healing Limit and turns that damage to life. This life can go over your "Maximum" cap of 100 HP, but drains at about 1 HP per second until back at 100 HP. If you switch to something other than the orb, the extra HP drains at 3 HP per second.
Rarity: Extremely Rare

Hmm. I'm not sure how I feel about replacing the magneto stick slot, it can be required for quite a few things, and help you get unstuck if you're stuck in props.

Other than that, that seems like a really balanced way to implement healing.

Well, glad it seems cool. Maybe it could be a melee slot replacement? But then you couldn't break certain things. Eh. Sounds like a pain to implement.

It could just be it's own slot? It doesn't really have to replace anything. Having to hold it in your hands to heal should be plenty to keep it balanced.

thats fuckin genius

Terran Wrote:Tobias' Mother
Damage: -95% (1)
Firerate: +100%
Mobility: +10%
Pushrate: +50%
Pushstrength: -10%
Trait: 1 in 4 chance to "Slap" the target you hit.


^Me mum right now

(fixed it with the right GIF, sorry to whoever removed my post)

Its own slot sounds cool, too. I'm never sure how these thingiemabobs work.

Trust me Terrain, if you can think it, Brass can script it. (As far as I know, even if it takes him a few hours)

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