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Sven is racist

This guy named: Sven

steam ID:  STEAM_0:0:50418455

Halo ascension


This dude got on, asked if being racist was allowed when Spider, Knave, Skully, and I told him no ti wasn't he proceeded to be a complete racist dick on the server multiple times. After we asked him many times to stop he just asked why he couldn't hate on black people and kept going.

Knavehearted, Skully, and Spider can back up this complaint if they so choose to.

after he said the full n word 2x i blocked him.

I heard it as well multiple times and after 2-3 I muted him and heard he continued after being told to stop and that it wasn't allowed.

He's pretty troll. I feel like he did it just to upset people. And of course Doctor took the bait. After a few rounds of people not acknowledging him he chilled for a while and him and I even had a decent, even pleasant, conversation. Until Doctor Rat brought it back up. At which point he started trolling Rat again.

I think for starters, he should be watched, or talked to by staff, because I think he CAN be just a normal user, but if he keeps trolling then more action should be taken.

Also, Doctor needs to stop getting baited by trolls. It happens so often, and it degrades things on the server.

i wasn't being baited. He wasn't even using derogatory remarks towards me until i said i made a post. then he REALLY blew up.

He has been permanently banned.

Yeah.. I was in teamspeak with Ty Nitro and he was telling me everything. I got him with the ban hammer.

should this be closed now

- That Thrakos Noob

Idk Unpoke should it be closed?



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