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Russian Man

Hello Comrades,

You may or may not have heard or seen me before, by looking at my name you would realize I am PapaRussia.

Wither you were around or not during the whole incident in NTG or not, I hope sense you have left their that I may be able to come back to Forerunner gaming as a newer member, and not to be judged by the past. If you do I could understand why but should not need to worry.

But enough about that, besides gmod, you may see me playing TF2, Binding of Issac: Rebirth, Dota 2, Path of Exile, XCOM, or ZMR. I have a vast collection of games in my library, so if you wanted me to play a game with you, I mostly likely would download and hop on if you have nobody else to play with.

I'm currently attending a joint vocational school, where as a main class taking NCT which is Network Communications Technology, if you have technical questions I may be of use.

Not the best at intros so gonna end it here. Hope to see you on the servers.

'Ey. We had some fun on NTG. Enjoy FRG; - A fresh start.


EYyy I remember you. You were cool. Then the incident happened and you left. i forgot how that went down, but anyways, this is a new beginning so welcome.

A devolved.us member?

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