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IsRlyChristmasCookies? Member App

Age: 14

Steam Name(Current): IsRlyChristmasGoats?

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 228 Hours

Where did you hear about this server?: TTT Servers List

Have you ever been banned and why?: No.

Why do you want to join?: I want to be a member, because I think I could represent the server and help make it grow and make it better than other TTT servers that say custom weapons.

Referred by: y0Nemo and Zott the Grinch

Additional Details: I hope I have matured from the last time.
Bouncy Rounds

I don't think you're ready in my opinion. Your last application was (much) less than a month ago, and I don't believe that you've matured to the point of deserving member in that time.

-1 from me for now until I am proven you deserve otherwise.

lol u literally screamed into ur mic after dying 0 chill

Didn't you already have a member app up? why make another before the other one was denied. Not to mention you cannot post applications within a week of eachother.
Did you only make a new one to remove the negative feedback?

Sorry. Due to this and the fact i don't think you are mature enough i have to -1.

you shouldnt mark peoples opinions as dumb or incorrect
i dont think opinions can be either

but ye, you should wait til your other one is approved/denied

- That Thrakos Noob

You did a massive thing wrong you shouldn't have I joined because me and Jake were talking about it with a good community (same with Nemo) then you start giving me serious shit not jokingly about being a part of NTG.

Literally just RDMed me. And he wants member. -1

-1 annoying, rdms, mic spams, ect.

^ Mic spams and gets salty and offended when I gag/vbat. Doesn't seem mature enough to me

-1, you cause way to much trouble on the server and I still have proof you rdming random people. for when you first joined
SG Fucking Overlord

Please deny this.
Bouncy Rounds

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