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tobiasx - somewhat member app

You seemed alright when I saw you in game at first, but you really irritated me today. Two guys joined from NTG and one said that FRG is a copy of NTG. That was literally all he said about it. One of them damaged a detective for 20 damage and claimed it was cause of his broken mouse(I realize that is very fishy but he didn't cause problems after that anyway). He was slain for it and at one point the other guy had a report that was canceled by minehuis. Everything was taken care of yet you repeatedly asked me to ban as if I wasn't doing what I was supposed since they were clearly being "trolls". Basically, you were just being really unpleasant to them and to me to the point where one of them blocked you. Who gives a shit if they're from NTG? That's no reason to label them as trolls and call for a ban prematurely. Maybe this isn't really the kind of player you are but I don't know. But, if you're going to get all offended and call for two NTG players to be banned just because they said one thing about the server then I'd rather not have you as a member as you would not be representative of what a member here is. +0 only cause I haven't played with you but for 3 days or so.


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