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To the Community

Sorry everyone who I have disapointed with my actions Over the past few months,I have tryed to change my viewpoint on things and ended up messing the reputation of the server and myself even more.I'm going to try to change for the better and find a in between of having a middleground between fun and serious attitude.I need to think more before I do something stupid like a few things I have done the past few months.Again sorry everyone and hopefully I can change-Excel

-1 He's trying to scam our emotions too now. Jk, all honesty I really think the whole "Excel's a scammer" thing has been blown way the hell out of proportion seeing as I joke about it but, others (You know who T-Fag) really bring it too a personal level. So yeah, also you're a scammer go die k thnx gib me ur guns.

You're a good guy but you really do some shady things.

It's going to suck though, once everyone loves you again we have to go back to hating Terran.

Nobody can replace you as "that one guy" we tell people to look out for various reasons.

But you could still be "that one guy" who is the most generous and helpful.

I think it's absolutely for the better, and everyone knows which one they prefer.

I love you excel

Nice excel, at least you're trying to change now.

Good luck, it's hard :[

I've almost gone a whole day without cursing at anyone.

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