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clombs123 ban appeal

You constantly prop killed and rdmed. You are annoying and I have never enjoyed you on the server IMO. So no -1

whats up buddy
he's a chill dude now and a lot more respectful

Edit: Clombs yes was pretty bad at one point
But he's a lot better than he used to be. the differance between dino and him is dino didnt change and wont change. You can tell by the way they make their appeals. I say give him one last chance. if he blows it, thats it. Perma Ban
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

I like you, Clombs, but I also don't. You're not a really good influence for the server in any way, you barely show remorse it seems and you just didn't seem like you would change. I'm O.K with you getting a final chance, but I have my doubts that it'll last. I don't think that FRG is the server for you. However, we do have people who emulate your actions or do them even worse *cough cough tammy*, so I guess I'm okay with you having another rodeo. If you do get it, though, please don't be an idiot.


I would +1 if this was your first ever ban, but it isn't. You've always been trouble, and constantly causing problems. Everyone keeps saying you've matured up and that you should be unbanned, but I think it's a bit too late for that. You should've realized it was time to straighten up your act when you came to FRG. -1, sorry.

If we unban clombs it would be unfair to not unban dno, chicken, maeps, etc. They have all had multiple chances and never change. Clombs may be a delight in a TS channel with no rules but TTT is a gamemode that requires rules or it is no longer fun. -1

(03-29-2016, 08:29 PM)Jake1o Wrote:  If we unban clombs it would be unfair to not unban dno, chicken, maeps, etc. They have all had multiple chances and never change. Clombs may be a delight in a TS channel with no rules but TTT is a gamemode that requires rules or it is no longer fun. -1

i agree that the gamemode needs rules, im just saying at some instances the game is more fun when you forget them for a bit. im not going to be screaming obscenities like a madman while whipping a microwave into the chin of some poor bastard every time i play. im only going to do that shit when its acceptable from most of the people on the server.


most of the things i discuss in the TS is stuff that is appropriate on the server. I've heard people say worse stuff on the teamspeak than what I've said. the server and TS are 2 completely different entities and i dont get how my conduct on teamspeak will change how i act on the server.

and if you're worried about me raging and shit that wont happen. one, im too old to start raging over this shit, i have too much going on in my life. second, I physically cant rage, I live in a dorm with a roommate and 20 other people living on my floor, these walls are thin. i don't feel like being labelled the crazy racist asshole and get my ass kicked every time i leave my room.


Honestly, I cannnot take a side. What Jake said sounds more than true, but I have not seen you act too harshly since I came back.

Until I see more convincing replies I shall stay neutral
Umpty Dumpty

I would +1 but I don't know much about you but IMO you seem like a chill dude so +0

There has been quite a few issues with you. You have stated you know you won't change, but you will tone it down a notch. It would then only be a matter of time before something happens to make you angry, and 'toning' it down a notch wont be enough.

I'm not convinced at the moment that unbanning you will benefit the server at all, I feel it will only end up causing problems in the end judging by your behavior and what you stated. I'll leave this up for a bit longer to get more opinions, but that's my opinion as of now.

Wayyyyyyyy wayyyyyy way too many chances IMO. He seems like an okay guy buy when something upsets him he breaks rules, and doesn't really know how to handle his emotions too well. -1

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