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DEV1ATE - Member Application

Age: 17

Steam Name(Current): DEV1ATE

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 7hrs 1min 28sec (Could have sworn i've played longer. If ya want me to wait a little more, I will.)

Where did you hear about this server?: Word spread on NTG that this server existed, and I figured "well, shit, might as well go check it out"

Have you ever been banned and why?: Yep, on NTG for exploding the spaceship and also temporarily for fucking with Morsas (I'm GaMzEe MaKaRa, Epsilon)

Why do you want to join?: I enjoy the weapons system of this server, as it is far more balanced than NTG, and I have yet to see otherwise. Likewise, I like the idea of the inventory system, hence my original reason for playing on NTG.

Referred by: NTG players

Additional Details: Previous NTG player, that's about it. Ya might remember me, ya might not, but I wasn't exactly forgettable for that little bit of commotion I caused with Morsas (And when I mean commotion, I mean dear god, I called him out on a lot of shit he was doing with his temporary mod powers.)

You need 50 hours to apply, sorry bud.

- That Thrakos Noob

Are you wanting to apply for member? Well you've come to the right place.

At LEAST 50 hours of playtime.

You need at least 50 hours to apply for member

i would +1 but 50 hours are needed

I'm telling ya, I have in fact played for more than 50 hours on the server. I have no idea why the damn system doesn't have them recorded. FFS, I ran into the same problem in NTG after the thing was added.

(03-31-2016, 04:11 AM)DEV1ATE Wrote:  I'm telling ya, I have in fact played for more than 50 hours on the server. I have no idea why the damn system doesn't have them recorded. FFS, I ran into the same problem in NTG after the thing was added.

I dunno man. Are you sure?

(03-31-2016, 04:11 AM)DEV1ATE Wrote:  I'm telling ya, I have in fact played for more than 50 hours on the server. I have no idea why the damn system doesn't have them recorded. FFS, I ran into the same problem in NTG after the thing was added.

Your inventory speaks otherwise...

u guys can stop responding now <3

- That Thrakos Noob

(03-31-2016, 05:02 AM)Unpoke Wrote:  u guys can stop responding now <3

You first

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