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clombs123 ban appeal

(04-05-2016, 01:54 PM)Brassx Wrote:  There has been quite a few issues with you. You have stated you know you won't change, but you will tone it down a notch. It would then only be a matter of time before something happens to make you angry, and 'toning' it down a notch wont be enough.

I'm not convinced at the moment that unbanning you will benefit the server at all, I feel it will only end up causing problems in the end judging by your behavior and what you stated. I'll leave this up for a bit longer to get more opinions, but that's my opinion as of now.

i think a lot of people are not factoring in the main reason i should be unbanned. I was banned for something that i shouldnt have been banned for which put me on my last strike. the reason i didnt make an appeal for it is because zott said that people ususally get permad for racism. i thought if i brought it up i could get perma'd for it so i just waited out the ban.

as I said earlier Brassx. I can't get angry. I live in a dorm which makes it impossible for me to. and besides, if someone pisses me off, I'll be really passive aggressive about it.


(04-05-2016, 03:10 PM)Clombs123 Wrote:  
(04-05-2016, 01:54 PM)Brassx Wrote:  There has been quite a few issues with you. You have stated you know you won't change, but you will tone it down a notch. It would then only be a matter of time before something happens to make you angry, and 'toning' it down a notch wont be enough.

I'm not convinced at the moment that unbanning you will benefit the server at all, I feel it will only end up causing problems in the end judging by your behavior and what you stated. I'll leave this up for a bit longer to get more opinions, but that's my opinion as of now.

i think a lot of people are not factoring in the main reason i should be unbanned. I was banned for something that i shouldnt have been banned for which put me on my last strike. the reason i didnt make an appeal for it is because zott said that people ususally get permad for racism. i thought if i brought it up i could get perma'd for it so i just waited out the ban

It doesn't matter that the other bans put you on your last strike, even if you shouldn't of been banned for them, because you would always cause problems, and were never fun to play with. You've already had so many chances, and pretty much already told us you haven't changed by saying "I won't change, but I'll tone it down a notch."

(04-05-2016, 03:46 PM)y0Nemo Wrote:  
(04-05-2016, 03:10 PM)Clombs123 Wrote:  
(04-05-2016, 01:54 PM)Brassx Wrote:  There has been quite a few issues with you. You have stated you know you won't change, but you will tone it down a notch. It would then only be a matter of time before something happens to make you angry, and 'toning' it down a notch wont be enough.

I'm not convinced at the moment that unbanning you will benefit the server at all, I feel it will only end up causing problems in the end judging by your behavior and what you stated. I'll leave this up for a bit longer to get more opinions, but that's my opinion as of now.

i think a lot of people are not factoring in the main reason i should be unbanned. I was banned for something that i shouldnt have been banned for which put me on my last strike. the reason i didnt make an appeal for it is because zott said that people ususally get permad for racism. i thought if i brought it up i could get perma'd for it so i just waited out the ban

It doesn't matter that the other bans put you on your last strike, even if you shouldn't of been banned for them, because you would always cause problems, and were never fun to play with. You've already had so many chances, and pretty much already told us you haven't changed by saying "I won't change, but I'll tone it down a notch."

actually Nemo, it does matter. its like arresting a man because you think he will commit a crime. thats some backwards 1984 thinking you got there. and thats your opinion that i wasnt fun to play with because you dont like me to begin with. a lot of other people think im fun to play with. and if you read what i said in my earlier posts, i said that I was going to do it when it was appropriate. such as when only people i like playing with are on the server and we're just dicking around having fun. that IS a change nemo.

You clearly didn't understand what I was trying to say. It's that the other bans don't matter because you've already had multiple chances. On top of that, you would always cause problems.

(04-05-2016, 04:34 PM)y0Nemo Wrote:  You clearly didn't understand what I was trying to say. It's that the other bans don't matter because you've already had multiple chances. On top of that, you would always cause problems.

there are people worse than me that are still playing on the server. ive heard some of the shit they do on the server and I've never done any shit like that. such as scamming newbies out of their shit then playing it off like it was a mistake. thats just fucked up. if you think that im as bad as those people. you are blind

its also not really fair that the person who perma banned me is not here to add his own opinion on the matter.


You don't seem to understand.. Even with the 'wrongful' ban, you have been banned two separate times(who knows how many other problems).. Even with the harsh ban you kept up, knowing you were on your 'last straw'.

You can not justify your wrong doings(I know you're not really 'justifying' but you're trying to use that to get unbanned..), claiming you deserve to be unbanned after being banned for causing problems multiple times, just because one punishment may have been a little too harsh.

Claiming other people are 'worse' than you on the server is also not helping your case, and is 100% unrelated to you. You're listening to your friends biases, and opinions on who they believe is 'worse' than you, and stating that here, when that should remain between you guys. But the fact is, they haven't been banned multiple times. So..

Another thing, you claim you will only break the rules when it is 'appropriate'. We'd be stupid if we left it up to YOU to decide when it's OK to break rules, and possibly ruin the experience for newer players of the server..

Yes it's fine to not take the rules too seriously sometimes, but the problem with that is the line starts to get blurred when enough people start doing it.

One last thing:
Quote:Its like arresting a man because you think he will commit a crime. thats some backwards 1984 thinking you got there.
It's more like owning a store and banning someone from it for shoplifting from you multiple times. Not letting them in when they come back..

Now all of that being said, I'm not saying you would or would not be better than you were before on the server. What we're trying to see is if it would even be worth giving you another shot. So far with your replies here, you're not really helping yourself.

Sorry Clombs, you are way too volatile and I don't trust you enough with another unban.

I've tried being nice with you in the past AND I personally gave you a (imo) a huge break on something where I could have easily banned you. And that was just a month or two ago. People don't have a change in personality in that short of a timespan.

As of now I have no reason to support you in this ban appeal, and reading through your replies on this basically confirm that you're still the same person.


Reading some replies it makes it hard for me to still support you clombs.. I know you're passionate and mean well but I don't think you'd be great at following rules. I still enjoy you and you're my friend but I'm not sure if you would only bring good to the server if you were unbanned.

I didnt think it would have to come to this. but I see i have no other options. there is one piece of evidence i have that will undoubtedly get me unbanned. it lies in this image:


Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee, an 8-foot-tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of 2-foot-tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a college student trying to get unbanned from a TTT server, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit!

On a serious note. I realize what ive done wrong with this appeal. i shouldnt have starting pointing fingers at stuff that doesnt have anything to do with me. I'll try again in another month or two. ill still be on the forum and the teamspeak, playing with some buddies. I wont promise that im going to change, but i do promise that im going to try. you guys can be the judge on whether that happened the next time i make an appeal. Brassx!!! I concede defeat!!!


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