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Godlike shotgun (HEAR ME OUT DAMNIT)


Godlike shotgun

But not really a shotgun

It's a single shot rifle normally but when you fire within the area of a player that has jumped, the gun turns into a sort of flak cannon that'll do 70% of the bullets damage even if you miss.

Fuck crouch jump spammers

Dw, I'll model it

I like the idea of a single shot rifle (read: bolt action, not something that has only one shot) but the flak cannon part of it seems pretty OP. I say we just add the shinigami back
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

I'm kinda confused on the concept but it sounds interesting. I'll +1 it

(04-07-2016, 12:44 PM)Zott Wrote:  I'm kinda confused on the concept but it sounds interesting. I'll +1 it

Basically, if someone jumps while you're trying to hit them then the bullet will hit them no matter what and deals 70% of the bullets damage. If they don't jump then nothing happens

How about instead of a flak cannon, it's a rifle that hits everything in its cone?

The thing is, crouch jumping doesn't make you miss, it just makes it extremely difficult to hit anything other than the limbs. You would be able to headshot if the limb hitboxes weren't in the way.

A possible fix for this would be to have the hitreg system check paths shortly behind limb hitboxes to see if it would hit a higher damaging one. It's ridiculous that you can block 90% of damage by putting a hand in front of your face.

I thought excel posted this based on the title lol.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

Instead why not just disable jumping within 1 full second of firing your gun?

i dont really like the idea of a gun that has a "guarentee hit"

- That Thrakos Noob

Gun with a guaranteed hit while doing 70% dmg when you jump.. Plus if someone is jumping lots and it's hard to kill them just use a regular shotgun or a huge, tbh this idea could be somewhere but sounds atm op af
Im a weeb since I play Osu! aparrently, Enchantable's fault


I think you guys are misunderstanding. The gun does not to 70% of their Heath. It does 70% of ONE bullet damage. So if your bullet does 10 damage and they jump it'll do 7 guaranteed damage

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