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Poll: Is this a good idea?
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A debt system

1. So often times people make deals that they cannot currently pay for and must go into debt to be able to be paid. This might not seem like much of an issue for situations where you may owe someone 100 coins for a gun you couldn't afford at the moment, but say someone buys something off you for several thousand coins, yet they can only offer, say 5,000 and they still owe you 10k. My suggestion would be a debt system that keeps track of money owed, this can be set up in the process of trading someone. Say you trade someone and offer them 500 coins but they want 1,000. This system could keep track of the 500 owed, and automatically give any acquired coins to the person owed until paid off. You could also select whether or not you would accept crates, then both players could agree upon a crate price that, whenever the one in debt would acquire a crate, it would be given to the one owed and take however much was agreed upon off of the debt. I have no idea how hard this could be to implement, but it could help people who feel as though they may never get paid back.

2. If this seems unacceptable there could still be a system to keep track of debts, but the player in debt could manually pay any amount of coins or crates to the player owed, maybe to an NPC in the lobby, so that the players would recieve their money like they would get coins from marketplace sales.

Thank you for reading my novel of a suggestion

Or you could be a smart person and screenshot every trade with the remaining debt unpaid.

Why make Brass work on something pointless when you can easily do it yourself?

My thoughts were that in the long run, this would help pay off debts, not just keep track of them. A screenshot won't help them pay you back faster/easier.

Orrrrrrr, you could only accept the trade when they have ALL of the coins you're asking for....

(04-14-2016, 06:08 PM)y0Nemo Wrote:  Orrrrrrr, you could only accept the trade when they have ALL of the coins you're asking for....

This.. If people just did this, there would be no problems. Stop selling your items to people who don't have the coins!

I don't really understand why you would sell a gun to someone that only has 2k, but says they will owe you 8k instead of selling it to someone who offers you 7.5k (any numbers could be here I just picked those). I had some deals like this and it was fucking annoying I couldn't figure out the logic because it isn't hard for the person to simply never pay it back or quit before paying their debt. YOU DON'T TRADE FOR IOUs it's a nice attempt to get a gun quick, but it's just stupid for the seller.


how bout if you're in debt, every coin that you get is immediately transferred to the other person's inventory until your debt is paid off. +1. Will not cause any problems at all.

No need to code for the 3-5 that owe people money, waste of dev time

OR, you could not trade until you can afford the weapon like a normal person???

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