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Complaint on Zott/Mod

Offending Player: Zott

Players ID:STEAM_0:0:59537850

Maps: Construct and Lighthouse

Date(s): 5/2/16 and 5/1/16

What went down: On lighthouse Zott said he was going to his his powers towards me, I was talking about politics mostly typing and in spectator. Zott vbated me saying he was stoping the arguements when me and blue were just talking to eachother, notchosen sometimes chimed in. Kcat was private messageing Zott that she wanted us blocked and us to stop, he complied and vbated me saying I caused trouble to the whole server but really it only hurt 3 peoples feelings others were mutual or sided with what I was saying. People that told Zott were Derp, Kcat and Snow. Not everyone is going to like what someone is saying but we all play in one area there is a block button for a reason. I do not like when people talk about somethings but I just disagree and block them. Now the false slay was on construct I was a Detective and I climbed to the mid building and was sitting up there Undope says this guy has a grapple and he never put it in chat which is the rule so I shoot at him and kill him, he reports me and I say you were nor proven or put the grapple in chat and I got slayed. Zott said he called it enough times on the mic but traitors do that all the time and there was 20 people on the server most with mics.(Rule states that traitor items should be called out in chat or they may be shot). Now the problem is zott is choosing favs for instance one night kcat left Notchosen and I in an event at the end so the next day I said yo zott she might leave you and he yelled at me to drop it but the next day I said I have to go in an event and he freaked out at me not understanding why I was mad at kcat when he got mad at me for doing the same thing.

Witnesses: Notchosen, Undope, Kuro, Emp all I can name that were on the servers at that time.

Evidence: Not really just when he vbated and slayed me, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=677595193 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=677595230

1: this is a gmod mod server, political talk is not needed nor wanted. it just leads to conflict
2: and topic that is controversial and is only going to cause conflict should just be kept to private chats
3: zott only but vbat on you after a admin said that you should not talk political.
4: it's was more than just a few people and it went on multiple maps after you were told to stop more than once.
5: you were never slayed because of you talking about politics. that slay sounds like you were warned multiple times for something else

Well, to be fair, there's zero reason to have a chat about "politics" or anything else on the server. Really, take that to steam, I would have muted you too if you kept it up.

For the slay, its a "as-it-happened" situation and Zott made the call that he felt right. Just because the guy didn't type it doesn't mean you're deaf; if he was truly calling it out in mic chat then you obviously killed him excepting to be able to RDM someone without consequence. The rest is negligible and, frankly, nothing of importance.

As Derp said, politics should stay off the server completely. Everyone has conflicting opinions and it only makes people upset.

he gagged you because you were probably being annoying, and not listening to staff. when a staff member says to drop a conversation, either

a) drop it
b) keep talking and accept your punishment
c) go into a steam chat or other kind of messaging system.

Its small talk and just as derp can talk about anime why can't I talka bout politics

Basically the four of us were talking about a bit of politics and people started getting all uptight before anything REALLY happened. Not the much did. Basically it just turned into some mic spam and not much in the terms of "conflict" happened. So I can get gagging/vbating for a little while due to the noise levels but at some points it wasn't even bad. I can't say I know too much about it afterwards as I stopped talking about it once it turned into most of us talking over one another. I have no idea about the report. Zott and I went back and forth on if he should/shouldn't be gagged/vbatted. I said yeah if he is mic spamming or causing problems and no if he is simply talking about it. So really this is just interpretation of a situation and a serious complaint like this isn't needed.

Stupid complaint. Make a complaint if he actually does something wrong.

(05-03-2016, 12:27 AM)EagleDestroyer Wrote:  Its small talk and just as derp can talk about anime why can't I talka bout politics

there is a huge difference between talking about cartoons and real life things.

Alright here's my side. On lighthouse you and many others were in an ongoing argument. It was to the point I couldnt hear myself think. I asked you and blue to please stop and you both went on and on. I gave you a vbat as a warning and you CONTINUED to do it. Also on construct, Bezerker called out he had the grapple multiple times. He even called it out before he used it and while he was using it. Undope Im guessing jokingly said "Oh he never typed it" and then shot him once. After that he stopped. Seconds later eagle killed bezerker and after he answered his report, he sarcastically said over voice chat, "Oh well YOU never actually called it out." This was when I slayed him because it was stated many times over voice chat. Also I have good friends but that doesnt ever fully misjudge me. I have tryed to stress the politic rule. I had multiple people complaining to me about the mic spam and even had Axe tell me to gag them or at least vabt them since they kept on. Also I dont like the fact that you start saying stuff about how "I can talk about politics all I want and it doesnt matter what your girlfriend(kcat) says."

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