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Eagledestroyer - STEAM_0:1:67492991

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Eagledestroyer

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:67492991

Map the event happened on: ttt_crummycradle_a4

Date of event: 5/2/2016 around 9 pm or so

What Happened?: He rdm'd and attempt rdm, then Hydra tried to talk to him about it and said "Done with that server and the only way to move on is to get banned"

Witnesses: Zott, Notchosen, Axe, Jake1o, Alex, Atothemax

Though I don't know why anyone didn't take any action when they saw it with their own eyes.

Yeah, He even said he didn't care if he was banned and that he was done. Good riddance +1 for perma.

+1, the RDM is pretty clear in the report.

Eagle clearly can't function here, and needs to be perma banned.

i wish you used f8 logs for the rdm so it'd be clearer. i do see him shooting a det and another inno which is obvious rdm though.

the 2nd picture doesnt actually show eagle saying that, so thats not really proof.

would like to see more evidence / witnesses

also, why didnt zott do anything if he was there?

(05-03-2016, 02:00 AM)Daniel Wrote:  i wish you used f8 logs for the rdm so it'd be clearer

also, the picture doesnt actually show eagle saying that, so thats not really proof.

Yes I know, but I put that there incase Hydra does come post that or not, I know it isn't definite proof.

Are u kidding me

He comes back and then 2 days later "only way to move on is to get banned"

It's like people have no self control or something

(05-03-2016, 02:00 AM)Daniel Wrote:  i wish you used f8 logs for the rdm so it'd be clearer. i do see him shooting a det and another inno which is obvious rdm though.

the 2nd picture doesnt actually show eagle saying that, so thats not really proof.

would like to see more evidence / witnesses

also, why didnt zott do anything if he was there?

I didnt know if it'd be appropriate for me to do that at the given time. Also I believe I heard someone else say they would take care of it. my fault

Yea I didn't exactly see everything that happened but I did overhear stuff about him rdming and all that.
I do know however for a fact he has been very disrespectful and argumentive towards the staff lately.
So yea, +1 on the perma from me

+1 I agree with this ban

(05-03-2016, 03:08 AM)EagleDestroyer Wrote:  +1 I agree with this ban

just leave already, jesus, nobody needs/wants to deal with you.

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