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Radio's Member App

Age: i will be 17 on the 28th lol but atm im 16.

Steam Name(Current): ◥▶RadioactiveTwinkelz◀◤

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 353 hours 19 min

Where did you hear about this server?: Randomly joined it when i first got gmod

Have you ever been banned and why?: For schemeing, but i had matured alot since then gotten unbanned, i made up with the person i got banned and schemed and encouraged them to make a ban appeal. And i extraordinarily regret doing it, and if i didnt get banned i may have kept doing sleezy shit like that.

Why do you want to join?: Because this server is fucking awesome, like its not only awesome because of the amazing inventory system, minigames, lobby, and events. But also the community is cool af and is pretty non-cancerous.

Referred by: No-one

Additional Details:Radio for member!!!! Thanks for reading/responding.

Meh Idk, I barely see you around on the server but aside from that I don't really have an opinion. +0 play more

+1 all around been a pretty nice guy to me, and all others that I know. "Radio For Member!!!"

-1 I got you unbanned , but I don't want you memer, jk. +1 , I really enjoy playing with Radio and he's good friend, he doesn't play a ton ,but that doesn't mean he's never on either. He's got other stuff he does and is really a good person with some bad mistakes made.

Bloody hell. took you long enough to apply. +1 couldnt have a better lad to run events with.

+1 Radio my bae

Honestly i thought i was getting on Gmod too much so i've been trying to stay away from my laptop, but if people really feel asif i don't play enough ill gladly spend more time on my laptop and try for member again in a month or two.

i think you play enough Big Grin

You mic spam way to much and tried to do other things in trade
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

(05-25-2016, 03:17 AM)Reaver, The Puker Of Rainbows Wrote:  +1 all around been a pretty nice guy to me, and all others that I know. "Radio For Member!!!"

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