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hockeyfn unban

Steam Name (Current): hockeyfn

Steam Name (During incident): hockeyfn

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80632362

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198121530453/

Name of staff you were banned by: EmperorWhale

Length of the ban: Permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: repealed

Reason for ban: Saying the N word.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: No.

What really happened?: I call mcnuggie mcnigga a lot as a inside joke, and he thought i said the n word, i simply did not. Multiple people who where on can say that I didn't.

Additional details: I definitely did not say the complete N word, I know for a fact i didnt because i call mcnuggie mcnigga a lot and I wouldn't say the N word because i'm not racist nor am i stupid.

In my opinion this is not up for discussion. I was ~80% sure I heard you say it the first time but mini and nuggie couldn't back me up. I CLEARLY heard you say it a second time. 100% certain you did. It was pretty stupid to test your limits twice when staff was on...

I wasnt there for it but still hes been playing for a while ._. i dont think he should be banned for that when he was joking with someone

i'm pretty sure hockey said mcnigga, he says it very often (every time mcnuggie is on) and im pretty confident that he isnt dumb enough to say it with a hard R.
i was in a skype call with him at the time and im sure he didnt say it.
it may seem biased since i'm a good friend of his, but at the very least it should be shortened because even if everyone says he did it, a perma ban for a "slip-up" seems ridiculous.

my 2 cents

well enchantable even if he did can say he did or not cus i was not dead yet but its always been a perm it would be kinda unfair for some that my have said it and got ban and never got unban just saying
FUN ^ 10 x int ^ 40 = ir2

I was afk when this occured. Hockey calls me McNigga all the time, and that's fine, as he said it is an inside joke and I find it funny and theres nothing wrong with it.

According to Emperor though, you said it with er twice while I was afk. I came back to this in console;


I trust emperor's word, so once he banned you I proceeded to update it.

To be clear, I do not think you said it with Er to be honest. I wasn't here to hear it when he said it, but I feel like he said McNigga and emp thought he heard something else. I don't think you're stupid enough to do that with an admin and 2 moderators on, and I'm sure you know my stance on racism.

I was afk at the time but from what i know, It shouldn't of been a perma because first of all the admin that banned him was afk when the "racism" occurred and he took a someone else's word for hockey saying a form of the n word and secondly I don't think a long time player would blatantly say the n word when there is a admin and mod on even if it was a joke. So I think at the very least his ban should be shortened.

(06-13-2016, 03:26 AM)[Mage]Mini Cosmic Wrote:  well enchantable even if he did can say he did or not cus i was not dead yet but its always been a perm it would be kinda unfair for some that my have said it and got ban and never got unban just saying

preston said it and he got a week?

Obviously I can't perma ban so it was extended by nuggie. My initial length was 5 days then I decided a full week.

(06-13-2016, 03:26 AM)Enchantable Wrote:  
(06-13-2016, 03:26 AM)[Mage]Mini Cosmic Wrote:  well enchantable even if he did can say he did or not cus i was not dead yet but its always been a perm it would be kinda unfair for some that my have said it and got ban and never got unban just saying

preston said it and he got a week?

Which I proceeded to tell Zott to increase the ban but he decided not to just as a warning, which was really stupid.

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