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EmperorWhale - Not doing his job

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): tobiasxz

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:51128390

Map the event happened on: ttt_67thway

Date of event: 6/16/16

What Happened?: I was with Kuro, and a traitor was shooting at us. We both killed the traitor, but while we were in the middle of killing him, Kuro called me out a few times by mistake, with his KOS bind. After we killed the T, Kuro canceled the KOS on me, and said I was proven. So fast forward a little bit, I go down to the T tester. I get tested, and was called proven by Terran and the Det. A few moments later, I leave the T tester room, and go to the outside of the vents that [Big]TheFa(s)tScottsman{TPG} claimed a few seconds before. Before I even enter the vents(which I never did), I start getting shot at by him, so I shot and killed him. A few seconds after, I die to the T and make a report on TheFa(s) for shooting at me in the first place. A few moments after I make the report, Emperor whale says that he will not being slaying him. I ask why, and his excuse was that "Kuro called me out", yet, he canceled his KOS, and I got proven by tester.

And yes, I know this is only one incident, and it probably isn't worth reporting, but in reality it is. Whale is always rude, sarcastic, and in general is an ass to people, new or dedicated. He never handles situations correctly, and can't be a mature person when handling a situation.



Evidence: Me killing the T with Kuro:


TheFa(s) shooting at me, and me killing him for it:


Whale refusing to slay him:


I mean he didn't even kill you... it's not that big of a deal, if it was a repeat offense than maybe, and MAYBE he could have been slain, but I think you're blowing this out of proportion.

- That Thrakos Noob

(06-18-2016, 08:33 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  I mean he didn't even kill you... it's not that big of a deal, if it was a repeat offense than maybe, and MAYBE he could have been slain, but I think you're blowing this out of proportion.

Sorry, I just edited the report and added this in:

Quote:And yes, I know this is only one incident, and it probably isn't worth reporting, but in reality it is. Whale is always rude, sarcastic, and in general is an ass to people, new or dedicated. He never handles situations correctly, and can't be a mature person when handling a situation.

Well for one thing, Kuro didn't cancel the 3 KOS on you that he made. Maybe over voice but people don't always hear that. Also Terran was the only one to call you inno from what I know. The guy read the chat and killed you off of a KOS in chat. It's possible he didn't hear Terran say it once. These things happen and when you aren't proven innocent in chat things get messy so in the future do that. There's no need to call me biased and say I can't do my job and say I'm disrespectful. The only thing I said to you was I'm not slaying him.

EDIT: I did give permission to any of the mods (Kuro/Terran) to slay if they felt it was right since they were more involved but I didn't think it was.

(06-18-2016, 08:43 PM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  Well for one thing, Kuro didn't cancel the 3 KOS on you that he made. Maybe over voice but people don't always hear that. Also Terran was the only one to call you inno from what I know. The guy read the chat and killed you off of a KOS in chat. It's possible he didn't hear Terran say it once. These things happen and when you aren't proven innocent in chat things get messy so in the future do that. There's no need to call me biased and say I can't do my job and say I'm disrespectful. The only thing I said to you was I'm not slaying him.

Kuro said "tobiasxz is proven, nevermind".

I went down to the T tester, and LITERALLY got tested while Terran and the Det watched, and Terran said in voice chat, that im proven.

And as to you being disrespectful, everytime I'm on you're constantly telling me to shut up, and such whenever I talk, for NO reason what-so-ever.

(06-18-2016, 08:49 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  
(06-18-2016, 08:43 PM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  Well for one thing, Kuro didn't cancel the 3 KOS on you that he made. Maybe over voice but people don't always hear that. Also Terran was the only one to call you inno from what I know. The guy read the chat and killed you off of a KOS in chat. It's possible he didn't hear Terran say it once. These things happen and when you aren't proven innocent in chat things get messy so in the future do that. There's no need to call me biased and say I can't do my job and say I'm disrespectful. The only thing I said to you was I'm not slaying him.

Kuro said "tobiasxz is proven, nevermind".

I went down to the T tester, and LITERALLY got tested while Terran and the Det watched, and Terran said in voice chat, that im proven.

And as to you being disrespectful, everytime I'm on you're constantly telling me to shut up, and such whenever I talk, for NO reason what-so-ever.
You've barely played lately so I know the situation of what you're talking about. You were arguing with terran I believe and you were literally yelling into your mic so yeah I told you to shut up. It worked too. I don't know why you'd get offended, I even told you that's why I said it.

(06-18-2016, 08:51 PM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  
(06-18-2016, 08:49 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  
(06-18-2016, 08:43 PM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  Well for one thing, Kuro didn't cancel the 3 KOS on you that he made. Maybe over voice but people don't always hear that. Also Terran was the only one to call you inno from what I know. The guy read the chat and killed you off of a KOS in chat. It's possible he didn't hear Terran say it once. These things happen and when you aren't proven innocent in chat things get messy so in the future do that. There's no need to call me biased and say I can't do my job and say I'm disrespectful. The only thing I said to you was I'm not slaying him.

Kuro said "tobiasxz is proven, nevermind".

I went down to the T tester, and LITERALLY got tested while Terran and the Det watched, and Terran said in voice chat, that im proven.

And as to you being disrespectful, everytime I'm on you're constantly telling me to shut up, and such whenever I talk, for NO reason what-so-ever.
You've barely played lately so I know the situation of what you're talking about. You were arguing with terran I believe and you were literally yelling into your mic so yeah I told you to shut up. It worked too. I don't know why you'd get offended, I even told you that's why I said it.

Arguing with Terran? I was in teamspeak with Terran, talking to him, and he was the one saying that you should slay him because he said he HIMSELF called me proven.

He NEVER handles situations correctly? I think you're over exaggerating this a little too much. Emperor is usually a quiet, well spoken human bean when he is on the server and you saying he is "rude" and "disrespectful" is totally out of line. People make rude and disrespectful jokes all the time and as far as Emperor goes, he's not one to go far enough to be disrespectful. I think what you said about him is complete bs and you're acting out of your anger because he might or might have not made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect and instead of reporting the person, maybe you should talk privately with the person and deal with things instead of creating unwanted problems.

(06-18-2016, 08:55 PM)Kcat Wrote:  He NEVER handles situations correctly? I think you're over exaggerating this a little too much. Emperor is usually a quiet, well spoken human bean when he is on the server and you saying he is "rude" and "disrespectful" is totally out of line. People make rude and disrespectful jokes all the time and as far as Emperor goes, he's not one to go far enough to be disrespectful. I think what you said about him is complete bs and you're acting out of your anger because he might or might have not made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect and instead of reporting the person, maybe you should talk privately with the person and deal with things instead of creating unwanted problems.

So whale just has the right to disrespect people and get away with it?

In the last 2 weeks ive been playing, I've gotten yelled at by whale multiple times for just talking into my mic. He has called me and idiot and a retard on several occasions, for NO reason, just because he doesn't like me.

(06-18-2016, 08:54 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  
(06-18-2016, 08:51 PM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  
(06-18-2016, 08:49 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  
(06-18-2016, 08:43 PM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  Well for one thing, Kuro didn't cancel the 3 KOS on you that he made. Maybe over voice but people don't always hear that. Also Terran was the only one to call you inno from what I know. The guy read the chat and killed you off of a KOS in chat. It's possible he didn't hear Terran say it once. These things happen and when you aren't proven innocent in chat things get messy so in the future do that. There's no need to call me biased and say I can't do my job and say I'm disrespectful. The only thing I said to you was I'm not slaying him.

Kuro said "tobiasxz is proven, nevermind".

I went down to the T tester, and LITERALLY got tested while Terran and the Det watched, and Terran said in voice chat, that im proven.

And as to you being disrespectful, everytime I'm on you're constantly telling me to shut up, and such whenever I talk, for NO reason what-so-ever.
You've barely played lately so I know the situation of what you're talking about. You were arguing with terran I believe and you were literally yelling into your mic so yeah I told you to shut up. It worked too. I don't know why you'd get offended, I even told you that's why I said it.

Arguing with Terran? I was in teamspeak with Terran, talking to him, and he was the one saying that you should slay him because he said he HIMSELF called me proven.
This wasn't today cause I haven't plugged my mic in today. I was referring to yesterday or the day before and as I said I BELIEVE it was Terran but I'm not sure. I think you guys were arguing about the gravity crystals on ascension

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