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Spoon Upgrades

Now, we can obviously "Enhance" our Spoons, but this is a different idea. A very different idea. Basically, there will be a number of hard-to-get drops that can be applied to a Spoon to "Boost" it in a unique way. Only one permanent Boost may be applied at a time, for any spoon.

Targeting Module: For every Spoon hit, you have a 25% chance for the next Spoon swing to land, regardless of the distance from who you hit. This wears off after two to three seconds of triggering.

Flash Feathers: When attached, you gain +10% Mobility to your Spoon.

Extend-o-Spoon: After putting this on, when you right-click with a Spoon, it'll extend about 7-8 feet to hit someone with +50% damage (+50% of the 12 damage, so 18), at the cost of being 4x as slow as normal Spooning.

Treacherous Spoon: As you spoon someone, every 10 points of damage that they do to you will inflict 3 damage to them. This -ONLY- takes effect for a second after you hit them, refreshing each hit. Headshots don't trigger the effect.

Mystic Spoon: When you hold your Spoon out, you have a 100% chance of surviving a lethal blow if your HP was above 50%. (E.G a deagle headshot would leave you at 1HP). [ONLY WHEN THE SPOON IS OUT.]

Unlimited Spoon Works: Your Spoon gains +100% Damage (24 a hit), but each hit causes the Force effect to yourself.

Draining Spoon: Your Spoon gains a 1 in 4 chance to slow whoever it hits by 10%. This stacks up to 50% and lasts 3 seconds.

Leeching Spoon: Every time that you hit someone with your Spoon, you have a 1 in 6 chance to make them drop their currently-held magazine.

Suggest more SPOON-related ideas! The SPOON must become more powerful!

Yea, Let's buff shotguns

sooo, do all the non spoon users just get fucked?

chill this isnt gonna turn into traitor in spoon town, i think getting the spoon itself is gr8 it doesnt need all this

- That Thrakos Noob

im all for more spoon shit.

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