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OvrDoseDnHAM rdm and disrespect

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): OvrDoseDnHAM

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:94793865

Map the event happened on: over the course of two days and many maps

Date of event: 2-1-15/2-2-15

What Happened?: multiple cases on disrespect and rdm. got mad at me because i watched him try to prop kill a afk so i killed him and he turned out to be a t. then revenge rdmed me and talked shit for the next  few hours till he got off. the next day he gets on the server and shoots at me as the dect saying "*DEAD* (TEAM) OvrDoseDnHAM: only reason i shot u was b/c i thought u were trying to rdm me like u were last night"

Witnesses: leo the sexy kitty, seto, and maximus

Evidence: pictures at bottom plus more iff needed

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Obviously rude comments there, and the first picture does show attempted rdm of a detective, would like to hear more input on this though before any action is taken.

i was there when he just shot him for the grudge, he also have said "Huge suspision on derp" with the reason "Because he killed me for no reason before"

This happened yesterday... I'm not sure whether he ended up doing it or not, but he clearly has no respect for the rules or other players.



+1 This type of kid is not needed on here. I saw it all.

I witnessed him do something similar yesterday when I was on, demanding I "Slay" Derp for an RDM that was a map change and half a dozen rounds ago, an RDM that didn't look whatsoever like an RDM, then got pissed off when I didn't. Doesn't leave any positive light in Overdose's regard, so this complaint is pretty legit.

he called me a nig at 7:41 at 02/2/15 and i have proff that he disrepected me http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=386632420

Okay, before I go to bed (It'll be later, message me if he causes any issues, I'll quickly hop on and ban him) I'll ban him.

Its funny to see all you guys reporting me. Everything i'm getting blamed for is taking everything WAAAAAAY out of perportion. Like when i said i was going to kill eloc, i never killed him. I was just scaring him. And when I shot derp, he was shooting i think a harpoon gun at me. me thinking it was a different gun i shot at him then stopped and tried to explain myself.The night before he rdm'd me 3 times and i did nothing to deserve it, i thought he was going to rdm me again. thats the only reason i shot. and when Terran says i "DEMANDED" him to slay derp, i only asked him once to slay him b/c a map before he got on derp rdm'd me 2 times claiming i was trying to prop kill someone when i was no where near anyone. I also didnt get "pissed off" at him its only a game lol. hope everything is cleared up you can ask me anything else thats needed.

Also i dont understand why everyone says im disrespectful. I have been called a "faggot" "peice of shit" and other things like "kill yourself" "worthless fuck" by derp and ac4c666 many times. also when i say "gg" after a really fun game derp usuaslly say something like " shut the fuck up, you suck dick" and onther thing along that line. they say it and i type somthing maybe a little bit offensive jokingly. i cant screenshot what they are physically saying but you can ask anyone else on the server like fuzzy. they just have a grudge on me for no reason its really child like and unbecoming.

I can't really confirm anything here, except that Ac4 does insult people a lot.

and he kills for totally BS reasons, I've seen his karma go to 500 and then 1000 and basically straight back to 500 again.

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