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The 'Nuggie ordeal'.

So, many people seem confused on what exactly happened. This is the most of the story, paraphrasing some things due to not having direct quotes of everything.

Let's go back to when I first had red flags about Nuggie.

Way back when he first applied for Admin, he would CONSTANTLY ask Jake and I about his application. Almost EVERYDAY if not multiple times a day. It got to the point where Jake and I had to tell him if he messaged us again about it, we would deny it. I've had multiple conversations about it with him, and he wanted the position.. Very badly.. Almost too badly. It raised some red-flags in my mind, so I informed him that it seemed like he was a bit power hungry. He then told me how he only wanted to help the server, he wanted to help as much as he could. He straight up told me he does not have fun playing without a rank. He NEEDED that rank to have any fun, because it was fun for him to handle reports.  That raised all kinds of flags, but I figured maybe he really did just want to help.

After he got admin, things were pretty good. I heard rumors about him being passive aggressive, and doing things to people he didn't like. But there was never any solid-proof to back it up.


This started when Tobias made a report to me that nuggie was harassing him. It started as a political debate in the shoutbox, and proceeded to Pm's. Then even spread to the server in-game. I informed Tobias that I was not going to do anything about a personal debate. But the in-game part I told nuggie to knock it off, as well as Tobias.

All seemed well. Well, later on I got ANOTHER report from tobias about nuggie 'harassing him'. Following him in game, killing tobias whenever he got T instantly. Etc. Nothing punish-worthy really. No rock-solid evidence. So I just gave nuggie another warning, told him it would be best to leave tobias alone.

Time goes by, and yet again, I get ANOTHER report about nuggie harassing tobias. This was getting too much, why did he keep following him around in game? Sure it's not against the rules sometimes (ALTHOUGH IN THE RULES IT DOES SAY DO NOT FOLLOW SOMEONE EVERY ROUND BECAUSE YOU DONT LIKE THEM), but is this really something an ADMIN should be doing to someone he knows also received a warning like him? Does he not know this will do nothing but cause problems? I listened to nuggie's side and he claimed he was just playing the game. So I was like okay then, anymore conclusive evidence showing that you're still being passive agressive to him, or anyone else, will result in a much harsher punishment. This went for BOTH tobias AND nuggie. So they both agreed to this.

Time passed, and YET AGAIN I receive ANOTHER report on nuggie.

At this point, I was tired of this drama. I reviewed the evidence. Discussed it with several people, and decided action needed to be taken. While the actions in the videos weren't EXTREME by any means, it was ruled to be passive aggressive. Thus since I already gave him/tobias a final warning to STOP or they will be punished. I took action, temp-demoted nuggie to mod(accidentally to member first).

At this time, my personal messages with nuggie got REALLY nasty really fast. He started to turn bitter, and just irrational. He made it seem like he was the victim and everyone was out to get him. I had to keep informing him that this decision wasn't easy, nor was it something I enjoyed doing.

He got REALLY sarcastic with me(and tried to passively insult Grassx when she tried to help him), proceeded to claim MOST of FRG would leave/die out without him here if he left, I let it slide because he was upset, then told him I can just post a thread/vote about it if he truly believes thats the case(in which I did post). I wont go into too many details on that. Anyways, after that he posted his away/offline thread(http://forerunnergaming.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=3735. He basically was being VERY immature about the whole ordeal(mainly behind the scenes), making it seem like it wasn't his fault and that I should let his actions slide because of all the work he's done. Also acting like we owed him everything for all of his work(volunteered for the position, basically begged for the rank). Obviously I was grateful for his work, but I can't let that affect the judgement. That would be biased. (like he now claims the server/staff is).

So the punishment was handed out, he was left to cool-off. It seemed to go well, although I do not believe he played a single time when he was temp-demoted to moderator. Which is kinda ehh. So as part of the punishment, he also got a 50 hour IN GAME PLAYTIME probation period once he was re-promoted to admin.

Nuggie just got off of his 50 hour probation period ~1 week ago(maybe a little longer?), but not long after that I already received reports about him again. No real evidence so I didn't do much about that.

Early in the morning Grassx checked the moderator reports, and saw someone had reported a negative reputation on their profile. So she removed it. We do this for any reported rep, because it's just not important enough to cause any drama over.

Nuggie then proceeded to PM her,

Nuggie Wrote:there was no reason for you to delete the rep i put on aresuft and axe. there is a reason reputation is there.

i added my neg rep back on them. if you're gonna delete them delete the two that were just put on me as well because that's a bit ridiculous.

Nuggie Wrote:Deleted the reps I placed back to avoid drama since its not a big deal anyways. Although I request that if you're gonna remove my reps for no reason, remove the ones put on me by axe and pepper.

He them messaged me on steam saying "lmao grassx removed my rep for 0 reason??" (paraphrasing).

I responded this(at this point I was getting tired of his behavior towards myself/grassx):
Quote:She was following moderator/other reports. We basically remove any reported reputation to stop any butthurt drama stuff. It's nothing personal, if you would've reported neg rep on you it would've been removed.(I also recall several times where you did in fact ask me to remove someones negative rep on you as well)

Also, please do understand, you're not in any position to receive a reason why any reputation has been removed, we own the server and we do not have to give a reason for anything we feel is the right thing to do. If we remove something, it should stay removed, not be re-added. Again, we own the server, so watch your sarcasm when talking to us. I've been very tolerant with how you talk in the past, and will not tolerate anymore disrespectful behavior from you. You are literally the only person that speaks to myself or Grass like that, and anyone else would've likely been revoked of their position by now. Either you accept this, and stop, or your position may be revoked at our own discretion.

I have now disabled the reputation system, because it's just not important and causes more 'drama' than it's worth. It's not worth the headache. People just use it for passive aggressive insults, so it's best not to give them an open platform to do that with.

Just one example of something that does not sit well:
"lmao Am I not allowed to do this???" - You've done this most recently to me during the whole Tobias drama(and last night to Grassx), and quite frankly you're lucky I put up with stupid sarcasm like that. It's very disrespectful, and if you can't see that, I don't even know.

I will not likely respond to any replies on the matter, because you're probably going to try and argue about it. So just accept this as your only warning and move on with your day. It's not asking much, just more respectful.

Have a nice day.

He of course, took it as a personal attack, and that somehow I thought all he wanted to do was cause drama. I informed him that was not the case. Basically he apologized after this and said he would clean up his act.

Things were good, then I get a report a few days back showing this:


This was a brand new player to the server. It appears he made a mistake. I talked to nuggie, and cleared it up. He claimed he did not say that to offend that person, and didn't mean anyharm. I fail to see how that is not meant to offend, but anyways I informed him I do not want him talking to anyone like that, especially in reports.

Now, LAST NIGHT I get a report from Chosen:

Chosen Wrote:So after a few days in which Nuggie followed me any round he wasn't a T, and would T-Bait constantly (Excel saw a few of these) and whenever he was a T he'd kos me right off the bat when a round started, I finally got evidence since I cannot record. I asked Tobias to record the next map for me since Nuggie was doing his same old thing he's been doing to me and this was the direct change of round and what occured: Video record . I know it really doesn't say much , but it does prove that Nuggie did go entirely out of his way to target me specifically. He did slay, but his entire response was along the lines of "I didn't see we were Tbuds" almost 30 seconds into a round.

Myself, and other admins/staff have reviewed the video fairly intensively. They all brought up good points and their sides on the matter. The bottom line was, we did NOT believe it was completely on accident.

Now, I talked to other witnesses, and even nuggie himself. They claim nuggie was calling out chosen A LOT everytime he was a T. I asked nuggie this, and he admitted to it, but only twice. Either way, Nuggie just gave chosen a final warning or he will be banned. He knows there's salt between them, why target him specifically? There's no other reason than to attempt to trigger him. We ruled this, despite nuggies claims (I now see it's more than likely 100% true).

Nuggies side Wrote:2:16 AM - Daniel: expected this
2:16 AM - Daniel: yeah i didnt know chosen was my t-buddy, i didnt check tab
2:16 AM - Daniel: i killed myself as soon as i realized and marked mysefl with 2 slays
2:16 AM - Daniel: though i wasnt targeting him, i always call ppl out on my t rounds
2:17 AM - Daniel: i've not had any problems with chosen or even talked to him in like 5 days either until today
2:16 AM - Brassx: according to other people, previous maps you were calling chosen out a lot when you were a T too
2:16 AM - Brassx: while he was inno
2:18 AM - Daniel: i was only on with chosen for like 5 rounds and i called him out 2 rounds in a row where i was t yes
2:19 AM - Daniel: i wasnt doing it to start problems with him though
2:19 AM - Daniel: but what happened today was an accident..
2:20 AM - Daniel: and i immediately apologized and slayed myself 3 rounds in a row
2:21 AM - Daniel: i had 0 intention to make anyone mad or cause issues

We took this into consideration, and still ruled that EVEN IF he didn't see they were T buddies, he STILL singled out chosen, targeted him out of the entire server, AGAIN. This is a form of harassment, however minor on it's own, stacked with everything else is NOT acceptable. Especially for an Administrator.

This is my message to nuggie:
Brassx Wrote:Ok. So I have talked it over with enough people now. It brings me no pleasure to say: We agree it's time your staffing on FRG has come to an end. I thank you for all of the positive work you have done, and all of the great things you have done for the server. Unfortunately, you have to be held accountable for your own actions, while this is not because of the report I received alone, that did play a role in it. This in the end is my decision, but I do have a lot of support. Please do not take it personally, and you would still be a loved member of the community, so I hope you don't depart because of this. Staffing is not the world, it's not always for everyone 100% of the time. I hope you will continue to play, at least after a while.

That is pretty much the story from my perspective. It's how it looks from an objective angle, and a non personal bias. I personally believe I was a lot more lenient with nuggie than I should've been. Seeing his actions now on the forums, and the PM's he has sent to various people(myself included) it seems the suspicions were right. He is showing his true colors, and is no longer welcome here. He had a chance to be mature and calmly discuss with the community and let the entire community know his story(like last time), but instead, he lashed out like a child, as a result ended up losing some of his friends here.

TL;DR His demotion was Justified. His ban was even more so. He really had a meltdown and is no longer welcome here.

This does NOT even mention his behavior about the Sealed Djinn he got.

Also, just want to put this out there:



He was spamming my profile with this, and he was also attempting to give out my picture.

Oh yeah, and this:



he also told brass that i harassed him for like months on end and i never even said anything to him lol

Really he acts like a sensitive sociopath and I've noticed he has slowly gotten worse at controlling his feelings. There was always something a little off with him but he just got worse, showing little hints of a personality disorder. Truly glad his true colours were shown to us all in a blatantly obvious way.

Reminds me a lot of the Stinkyboy incident as well.

It's hard to believe a person like him was once my superior...
Umpty Dumpty

detective dread over here

As one of Nuggie's former friends I am absolutely appalled by how he's taken this.

He was given so many chances and every time he just proven himself worse and worse.

When I reviewed Nuggie's history it blows my mind how much inane stuff he's done and gotten away with. He knows himself and has been warned an infinite amount of times.

I gave my opinion, I loved Nuggie but he honestly was in it for the wrong reasons and it showed too well. Now he's gone on and lashed out at the community, instead of owning up to his mistakes and that is the worst part of it.

I'm honestly sad to even say he was my friend at this point.

(08-07-2016, 07:49 PM)Denneh Wrote:  detective dread over here

excuse me? please refer to me as sherlock holmes.

In truth I saw a red smudge mark on his profile picture 18 months ago which indicated the most peculiar personality disorder and i immediately labelled him as a full blown psychopath. I could also tell by his footprints an indent on his big toe which indicates a tendency to lash out.

EDIT: Not to mention, his infamous video "Don't fucking call me McNugget" where he slaughtered chicken nuggets.

Notice the knife marks on the pavement. This has shown that he has frequently taken his innocent mcnuggets there before to kill them.

canadian sherlock holmes

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