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weed/drug dealers and cops

what if there was a different way to get coins or exp, u could collect drugs that spawn randomly around the map and u can give them to a dealer or a cop, but u would have to be a certain level, kinda like the age requirment for drinking, u would have to be lvl 20, and

the cop is a good guy, and giving drugs to him makes u more mature and seem more older, giving exp for each thing of drugs u give to him. He could be in the building across from the hanger and spectator duel teleporters, he would need his own room and it should look like an office.

the dealer is a bad guy, so giving him the drugs will give u coins, and possibly take exp away? he could be under the huge stair case close to where u spawn, and maybe make it look like a homeless person lived there?

these would be scattered around the map, much like souls or worms, they could either be a weed plant or a bag of cocaine or something like that, and each bag is worth 10 or 100 coins/exp? The rates would be the same for coins and exp. there would be a cap to how much u can give either person so someone cant grab some and hoard it until they can get a million easily. if its 100 coins per drug then make the cap be like 10 drugs each time? if 10 coins then 100 drugs? there would be a cool down before u can give the drugs to either character again, like maybe a 2 day or 3 day cool down to simulate cops looking for the dealer if u give to dealer and if u give to cops it could simulate theres no need as the drugs gave evidence on where the dealer was and they arrested him. U can give to either person any time u want so if u had 3 drugs u can give to a character and get 30 coins or exp easily, but u would still get the cooldown all the same. I think if its 100 coins per drug they should be a bit rarer than everything idk how rare worms are but souls seem pretty common so maybe make it a bit less rare than worms?

Every thing can be changed i just thought it would be a good way to get coins or exp a bit easier while still keeping it fun!!!

what is it with people on the internet and drugs?

(08-08-2016, 02:37 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  what is it with people on the internet and drugs?

drugs are fun toys that every one loves

Until you inject weed and your ass and you go blind in one ear.

I do like the idea of a find quest thats available 24/7, but not sure if drugs is how it should be done

I think he's smoking and wondering how he can get more in game items using weed. If we're going to do this, might as well make a full on PErp or DARKrp server.

I cannot endorse something this dumb because I once knew a guy that injected 3 whole marijuana and then punched a toddler in the face.

then lets find something brassx hates, like if brassx hates tacos, lets make the dealer be a taco dealer, i just want a gathering quest that gives u stuff based on the thing u collected

The idea of 100/item will also flood the economy, I could collect 10 worms in 5 rounds easy. I think something like 10/item with a collection max of 50 would be better balanced.

Throwing in just something random will not work, you have to go with the gist of the server. With Djinns, Evil worm queens and demonic raids, think of something more like gems/jewels that a wizard is collecting so he can cast some sort of spell, and he is willing to pay you for your efforts.

If you want to suggest adding something, lets go full on balls to the walls with the idea, not just some halfcocked bs to get you more items.

oshit. i can git dank w33dz and mak monie off it?
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

+1 if u add a option to eat the weed and gain extra damage for 2 rounds

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