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Cut back on the word cancer

Playing TTT on a daily basis you hear the word cancer said countless times, typically to describe some overpowered gun or a minigame. Because of recent personal experiences, hearing this over and over again causes me to physically cringe pretty hard and generally puts down my mood. Even if someone means it as a kind of 'roast joke' hearing things along the lines of "I hope you have two beautiful children and they both get cancer" is pretty fucked up and really slices open thinly sealed wounds. I hate to drag personal experiences into TTT, and hate to be "that guy" when I know most people are just having fun without really thinking about what they're saying. All I ask is for people to please cut back on using cancer to literally describe everything negative in TTT, I'm not asking for some kind of restriction to peoples vocabularies, just to cut back on using it so much. Thank you for understanding everyone.

Oh man, I feel like this thread is mainly about me (since you know), but in all seriousness I'd cut back on the word all together truly if it makes you not feel bummed on FRG Zombie. Sorry , I swear solemnly to abide by this.

(08-10-2016, 03:45 AM)Chosen Wrote:  Oh man, I feel like this thread is mainly about me (since you know), but in all seriousness I'd cut back on the word all together truly if it makes you not feel bummed on FRG Zombie. Sorry , I swear solemnly to abide by this.

I didn't particularly have anyone in mind when making this, it just seems like close to everyone uses it excessively. Hearing it so much puts me back into the grieving mindstate and depresses me. I don't want anyone to restrict what they say (As long as it doesnt break rules), just try to cut back on that particular word, thank you

whoa who deleted my post saying "This is pretty cancerous" or whatever

because it is
Don't you delete my posts you sluts this is my opinion

If I wanna call you all cancerous cucks that's my right, the !block command is right there.

That means YOU, Brass. FREE SPEECH. TRUMP 2016.

(08-10-2016, 04:21 AM)Terran Wrote:  whoa who deleted my post saying "This is pretty cancerous" or whatever

because it is
Don't you delete my posts you sluts this is my opinion

If I wanna call you all cancerous cucks that's my right, the !block command is right there.

That means YOU, Brass. FREE SPEECH. TRUMP 2016.

Godspeed Terran...you will be missed.

(08-10-2016, 04:21 AM)Terran Wrote:  whoa who deleted my post saying "This is pretty cancerous" or whatever

because it is
Don't you delete my posts you sluts this is my opinion

If I wanna call you all cancerous cucks that's my right, the !block command is right there.

That means YOU, Brass. FREE SPEECH. TRUMP 2016.
Hey, I'm just trying to keep it clean. Posting 'this is cancer' on a thread where a guy has clearly been upset about the use of the word lately, most likely due to events in his life, is a dick move. We've had enough toxic behavior this week.

You're obviously free to say you don't like it, just be civil about it.

Fair enough. Censorship of words is a slippery slope, I thought that I was a funny guy. If we start cherry-picking words for everybody, then that bullshit won't ever end. What do we do when someone is gravely offended by the word "and"?

We all see bad shit happen in life, or suffer it ourselves, but that's no reason to hide in a hole and scream "LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU"

(08-10-2016, 04:30 AM)Terran Wrote:  Fair enough. Censorship of words is a slippery slope, I thought that I was a funny guy. If we start cherry-picking words for everybody, then that bullshit won't ever end. What do we do when someone is gravely offended by the word "and"?

We all see bad shit happen in life, or suffer it ourselves, but that's no reason to hide in a hole and scream "LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU"

But we all can't be edgy like you and soul-less. It's one thing to be funny , but another to intentionally say a word that someone just said is putting them in a bad place. This is a gaming server, so I don't see how removing or just cutting back on a word really effects your gameplay (even if you never play).

- my opinion

I mean, cancer is basically a meme at this point.

99% of players, new or old, on FRG, say this word constantly, so this isn't really gonna make a difference

I'm not going to censor the word at all by any means. I just thought your post here was pretty unnecessary for this specific instance, so it was removed. I'm not going to go through and block/remove the word on other posts, or in game or anything like that.

So just to be crystal clear so people don't get the wrong idea that I am sheltering players of FRG and censoring minor words:
Your post was removed because it unnecessary, not to censor the word.

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