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Felriff PBAN appeal

Steam Name (Current): Panda

Steam Name (During incident):Felriff

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:104955373

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198170176474/

Name of staff you were banned by: grassx, grassx, not sure

Length of the ban: pban the 2 hours then pban

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: repealed

Reason for ban: Ok, so i was ya know playing a normal day of TTT sitting at my computer ya know with my lil chips and such and then i see grassx gets on then im like yes finally i will get unblocked today so i can have her tell this to brass well evidently brass wouldnt except my fr neither would grass and forum pms are never answered so i reported grass the first time and i just said "can you unblock me" and i did it again i cant remember exactly what i typed but apparently (keep in mind what i said had nothing to do with her) it was considered as herassment
so i was pbanned then i was banned for 2 hours then i was pbanned again just because she couldnt take a little time out of her day to unblock me and listen to what i have to say

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes, i did (so dont try to say im lying)
Additional details: Honestly this isnt a reason to be pbanned, when i was pbanned the last time the reason was----- Bitch, NIL

I don't know many details about this but he was a nice guy to me and I thought he was cool. +1 for unban/shortening of ban.

P.S. This may change after I hear more details.

edit: changed

To be fair, you can PM brass on the forums to contact him easily. Still, if this is all it was, a perma-ban seems too harsh.

+1 best player

EDIT: also to be fair you also rdmed me multiple times repeatedly and claimed you didnt. Either you wanted to start something with me or were just joking around. I couldn't tell.

well that picture is worth a thousand words.

He can get quite annoying and was annoying/harrassing Grassx so she banned him for a few hours.

A few hours is not forever.

there's most definitely more to this story.
will be explained later im sure, i dont know exact details
but -1
When a dragon round begins.


I only had 1 case of attempted rdm with him. He didnt really bother me much. I'll change mine to +0

I believe I had you blocked for bugging me for reasons I can't remember. I would have unblocked you if you would have PM'd me or asked nicely in Admin chat, but the fact that you reported me for RDM when I didn't even play a round irritated me. The second report for RDM on me with the picture Dread posted speaks for itself, so I decided to ban you for two hours. Brassx was provided with information on your behavior from NTG, and we decided we don't want that kind of trouble here. You clearly showed signs of you instigating and lying to me/one of our admins/The manager of NTG.

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