[!] = New or Updated
Suggestions that I think are server-worthy are marked with a [F] (For favorite)
Christmas Suggestions
Orbs/Crystals/Misc Slot Items
Christmas Barricade - Takes 3 seconds to build a small snow barricade that can be easily destroyed and used for cover when needed.
Orb Of Christmas - 'tis the season for giving! Heal all nearby players for 3HP a tick, up to 120 ticks and a limit of 80HP to those healed. Additionally, you are healed once for every tick made, with no limit. (Model = Christmas Ornament)
Orb of Krumpus - While held, all damage received from DoT effects instead deals damage to the owner of the DoT. No Limit.
Crystal of Giving - When below 100 HP, gain 1 HP a second every 7 seconds.
Crystal of Naughtiness - Charges based on the amount of correct innocent kills made. Upon making a full charge, creates a "Rune of Naughtiness".
Crystal of Niceness - Charges based on the amount of correct traitor kills made. Upon making a full charge, creates a "Rune of Niceness".
Rune of Naughtiness - I'll think of something. Just going to post this.
Rune of Niceness - Same.
The Nightmare Prior to Christmas (Mini-Uzi)
+25-32% Damage
+50% Recoil (Negative? Harder to control.)
+5-7 Clip Size
-40% Accuracy
+12% Firerate
-70% Deploy Rate (Slower)
1 in *(20-Suggested) chance to randomize the contained bullets in the current magazine, anywhere to emptying or filling the current magazine completely.
Additionally, deals 66% extra damage to all zombie types.
The Little Helper (M1911)
+14-22% Damage
+8-12% Firerate
+100% Deploy Rate (Faster)
+50% Accuracy
1 in * chance to mark your target, causing the next shot on them to simultaneously bleed and agonize for random values.
Flavor: Never jams, and it's always reliable. Truly worthy of being Santa's Little Helper.
Achievement Suggestions
Delivery Boy - Finish the event in 30 minutes or less.
Walk The Dinosaur - Kill 5 people in 3 seconds with the H.U.G.E.
- Get 8 rightful kills in one explosion.
Quest Suggestions
*I'm not familiar with many quests as of yet. These are just a few ideas I had, they might already be a thing*
-As a traitor, kill a detective and use his weapon to kill another player.
-Deal 100 rightful damage to a traitor with a melee weapon in one round.
-As a traitor, use a bomb station to kill 3 players in one round.
Crystal/Orb Suggestions* *All crystal suggestions have percentages or stats attached, but are simply an example. Stats may not resemble the final product should they be added.
-[F]Crystal of Nullification - Upon being effected by a trait or suffix, you have a 1 in 5 chance of completely ignoring that trait or suffix.
-Crystal of Zombification - Upon being hit by a fatal shot, you have a 1 in 15 chance to ignore the lethal shot and instead live with 1 hp, instead.
-Crystal of Shattering - Each shot that you fire consumes two ammunition, but you have a 1 in 3 chance to deal an additional 10% damage with each shot fired. (Additive, not multiplicative.)
-Crystal of The Laughing Moon - *This crystal is charged by opening crescent cases.* All damage dealt and taken is reduced by 10%.
-Crystal of The Curious Djinn - You take no fall damage, but take an additional 100% fire damage.
-Crystal of The Fallen Angel - -40% Base Health, but +5% to all other stats.
[!]Godlike/Celestial Crystals
These crystals would drastically change how a player plays their ttt round, rather than change their stats.
-Crystal of Hunger - The player starts the round with greatly reduced health, but gains a portion of that health back for each correct kill that the player makes. Amounts are reduced for innocent kills as a traitor (not detective kills, though.)
"So I can eat him? - Gluttony the Voracious"
-Crystal of Blindness - The player is completely blind for the duration of the round. Walls extremely close to the player are visible in "hunter-vision", and any gunshots or footsteps made on the map will highlight the one whom made them for a short duration.
"Sometimes being blind is all that you need to see."
-Crystal of Khronos - The player's plane of existence is unstable. As such, the player will be randomly transported two seconds back in time every ten seconds, rounded to the last time the player was touching solid ground. (AKA code it to check if the player has jumped during that time, if not, tp. If so, search for the landing time and/or the time before the jump was made.)
"But if one were to travel back in time, what would one do with the gain...?"
-Crystal of Ignorance - Traits and Suffixes cannot effect you, and you cannot effect other players with traits or suffixes. (There could be more to this if needed. Perhaps a: If you are effected by a suffix, do this...)
-Crystal of The Hourglass - You lose 1 hp every six seconds, and cannot recover using HP orbs. In exchange, you recover nearby allies' health on death, and also gain 20% in mobility. (Stats could be modified, mobility is just an example.)
"Death and taxes."
Minigame Suggestions
The Wraith -
-One player is selected to be the wraith.
-The wraith changes colors every so often, let's say every thirty seconds.
-Black means that the wraith can't attack, but will heal slowly if it isn't damaged during this phase. Seek out the wraith.
-White means that the wraith can attack at normal damage. Attack normally, at a range.
-Red means that the wraith attacks at double damage and takes double damage. Take precaution.
-Each phase is announced by a small indicator, and there is a few second grace period where the wraith is unable to move or attack before its phase changes.
Rock, Paper, Scissors -
-Three SWEPs. Rock, Paper and Scissors.
-Each player can kill the respective type that they beat with a melee hit.
-Melee types either change every 10 seconds, or all players have each type and can swap back and forth.
-Kills + Time Lived = Win (1 kill = 45 Seconds = 1 point)
-Perhaps add a non-lethal rock/paper/scissors ranged shot that can be fired every so often so that people don't simply run away from a duel.
The Ground Is Lava -
-Don't run into each other's paths.
-Everyone has permanent fire boots with infinite ammunition, but without the fire.
-I recommend the entire map not be on fire, because oh my god the frames.
[F]Djinn's Chosen -
-One player is picked as the chosen, but it is kept a secret as to who it is.
-Missing a shot or incorrectly damaging someone who is not the chosen results in the fire-ee's death (for everyone but the chosen).
-A random player other than the chosen dies once every 20-30 seconds.
-Sacrifices have to be made to discover who the chosen is, but the fear of making a mistake forces players to re-think their actions and conservatively wait.
-Each player receives a standardized gun that by itself is rather weak.
-Microphones are muted, and only one limited, 20-character or less message can be sent per player. Use it wisely. Or don't, I'm not your dad.
[F]Soulless Round -
-All players are soulless, and must find souls or feast upon other players to regain health.
-Health drains at a rate of 1 per second.
-Gathering a soul gives you thirty health.
-Hitting a player with your (default) melee weapon gives you 5 health, but damages the player for 10.
-Long, drawn-out fights will kill both players.
-Leaderboard decided by time survived, souls harvested, and hits dealt.
-Trait - Simplification: Deal an additional 10-15% damage to those using a gun with two or more traits/suffixes.
-Trait - Shattering: 1 in 20 chance to crack the effected player's screen. They'll be seeing more than double for 2-3 seconds.
-Suffix - Omnom: 1 in 12 chance to remove ammunition (A percentage, perhaps?) from target's magazine, and put it into yours, instead. (No Rifle/Deagle)
-Suffix - of Tears: 1 in ? chance to clear yourself of a suffix or trait while firing.
-Rune of Evolution(Primordial) - Choose a +10 or +12 weapon to enhance. This weapon is reset, and can now become +13 or +15, respectively. Each stat is allowed to upgrade two additional times.
-Rune of The Changeling(Primordial) - Choose one item. That item is changed to another random item of the same rarity, if applicable.
-Rune of Chronos(Legendary) - Choose an enhancable gun. That gun gains triple XP for 2 hours.
-Rune of the Void(Godlike) - Choose a gun. The void can destroy, modify, or augment the gun in a number of ways, but is extremely risky. Use with caution.
-Rune of the Voracious(Godlike) - When activated, this rune will "eat" your post-round drops for 66 rounds. Instead, at the end of 66 rounds, you will receive a random reward based on how much it has consumed, and of what quality. Can be used in conjunction with other runes.
-Buff post-round minigame, please. I don't want 30 coins for winning a 1-person minigame that happens once every 2 or 3 maps
-Tier 7(77) keys, eating godlikes and celestials. The server is getting a lot of godlikes and celestials introduced, and I think it might be time for a new rarity that every really covets. (Immortal, maybe?)
-Remove keys breaking. (I heard someone broke a t5 key, that's pretty rude. I don't understand why there's a chance for a key to break. It's 10 of that rarity, as it is. Imagine if a t6 key broke. 10k just vanished from that person's inventory.)
-Make muffle useful? Perhaps the person it is applied to can't speak, hear, send ttt_radio messages, etc for a longer duration, and increase the proc rate on all guns?
[F] Make it so that the event goes on cooldown when you start it, and not when it ends. I keep doing the event later and later each night Q_Q
[F] Weekend/Weekday Bonuses - Saturday = 3x Orbital, Sunday = 5x Dragon, Monday = Double Item Drop/Higher Item Drop Chances, etc.
Make it so that +10 weapons can be re-rolled for suffixes at +10, completely resetting the weapon to 0 and giving the gun a random suffix or trait, with the chance of multiple suffixes or traits. Perhaps a rune would do this?
[!]Boxes with Traits/Suffixes: If a crate is dropped, it can have a random trait or suffix that modifies what is inside of it. Some traits may include: Increased rarity values, guaranteed coins, guaranteed stats, or modifiers on what types of guns can drop from that crate. (For example, deagles only.)
[!]Create a few more primordial/godlike/legendary masks. Getting all masks and trading them to the rune vendor gives a unique, exotic rune.
[!]Make the !cooldown command contain a parameter, similar to the !time command. The !cooldown command would now show all event cooldowns and/or vip cooldowns in addition to VIP shop and/or lobby shop reset timers. ADDITIONALLY, !cooldown * would also be possible to show all cds when in the lobby server, albeit scaled down and perhaps ignoring CDs that are not currently active (I.E. if I hadn't done Event 1 in 3 days then it wouldn't show up on the !cooldown *)
Weapon Suggestions
Eat your Candy Cane Deagle.
R + Right Click = Eat your deagle for 30hp restored.
Sword-Spear Hybrid
??? Stats.
R + Right Click = Switch to spear mode, R + Right Click = Switch back.
Each mode has respective stats. Spear deals less damage, but has longer range.
Godlike Glock (Surgeon's Scalpel)
+30% Damage
+30% Firerate
+60% Accuracy
+25% Stability
-50% Reload Speed
-10% Mobility
-40% Recoil
-5 Mag Size
-200% Deploy Time (It should feel like a primary weapon. It should be hard to switch to it in the middle of a fight.)
"Steady hands make for good work."
Godlike Effect: 1 in ? chance to black out a piece of the enemy's screen. See this for a rough idea: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3ixERABywSM/maxresdefault.jpg
Godlike Pistol (Lost Dreams)
+40% Damage
+20% Firerate
-30% Accuracy
-25% Stability
+20% Reload Speed
+25% Mobility
-10 Mag Size
"I forget the last time I had a dream that wasn't a nightmare."
Godlike Effect: 1 in ? chance to put the effected target into a dream state, causing their vision to blur and noises to become vague. While in this state, the target's health is slowly drained.
Godlike MAC-10 (Echo in the Mirror)
+35% Damage
+15% Firerate
-10% Accuracy
-15% Stability
+30% Mobility
-15 Mag Size
"The last thing my enemies see is my weapon of choice piercing their skull."
Godlike Effect: 1 in ? chance to create an afterimage in your current location, which will stand and fire at the direction you were looking for ? seconds. This deals no damage.
Godlike TMP (Ethereal Chains)
+10% Damage
+50% Firerate
-15% Accuracy
-10% Stability
+25% Mobility
+20 Mag Size
"The easiest way to immobilize someone is to take a meat hook and..." -Unknown Mafia Godfather
Godlike Effect: 1 in ? chance to attach a rope to an enemy, tying them to the nearest floor. If the target leaves much further than a few yards of the rope, they take damage and are dragged back.
Class Weapon Suggestions
Jihad right click changed to Navi "Hey, listen!"
Traitors need more stealth-based weapons. The knife is useless because a target with their back turned is an easy kill anyway, the remote bomb is high profile and extremely risky on top of being useless if your target suicides, C4 is cheap and often kills T buddies, the AWP is loud as hell and obvious, etc.
Basically, traitors need stealthier options. Turrets are one option, and other interesting options include poisons, tripwires, powerful silenced guns, and the like.
New "Feign Death" tool that creates a body out of your current playermodel and drops it as if you have died. It will then make you semi-invisible similar to a cloaker and disguise you for about 4 seconds. After 4 seconds, the body will disappear with a particle effect, you'll be uncloaked, and undisguised. If anyone were to attempt to ID the fake body, it will respond with, "Wait... This isn't real!". The tool has one use. Shooting whilst invisible makes you appear again, and undisguise.
Inside Man - Device that will tell you what traitor purchases have been made thus far in the round, so you know what to look out for.
Suggestions that I think are server-worthy are marked with a [F] (For favorite)
Christmas Suggestions
Orbs/Crystals/Misc Slot Items
Christmas Barricade - Takes 3 seconds to build a small snow barricade that can be easily destroyed and used for cover when needed.
Orb Of Christmas - 'tis the season for giving! Heal all nearby players for 3HP a tick, up to 120 ticks and a limit of 80HP to those healed. Additionally, you are healed once for every tick made, with no limit. (Model = Christmas Ornament)
Orb of Krumpus - While held, all damage received from DoT effects instead deals damage to the owner of the DoT. No Limit.
Crystal of Giving - When below 100 HP, gain 1 HP a second every 7 seconds.
Crystal of Naughtiness - Charges based on the amount of correct innocent kills made. Upon making a full charge, creates a "Rune of Naughtiness".
Crystal of Niceness - Charges based on the amount of correct traitor kills made. Upon making a full charge, creates a "Rune of Niceness".
Rune of Naughtiness - I'll think of something. Just going to post this.
Rune of Niceness - Same.
The Nightmare Prior to Christmas (Mini-Uzi)
+25-32% Damage
+50% Recoil (Negative? Harder to control.)
+5-7 Clip Size
-40% Accuracy
+12% Firerate
-70% Deploy Rate (Slower)
1 in *(20-Suggested) chance to randomize the contained bullets in the current magazine, anywhere to emptying or filling the current magazine completely.
Additionally, deals 66% extra damage to all zombie types.
The Little Helper (M1911)
+14-22% Damage
+8-12% Firerate
+100% Deploy Rate (Faster)
+50% Accuracy
1 in * chance to mark your target, causing the next shot on them to simultaneously bleed and agonize for random values.
Flavor: Never jams, and it's always reliable. Truly worthy of being Santa's Little Helper.
Achievement Suggestions
Delivery Boy - Finish the event in 30 minutes or less.
Walk The Dinosaur - Kill 5 people in 3 seconds with the H.U.G.E.

Quest Suggestions
*I'm not familiar with many quests as of yet. These are just a few ideas I had, they might already be a thing*
-As a traitor, kill a detective and use his weapon to kill another player.
-Deal 100 rightful damage to a traitor with a melee weapon in one round.
-As a traitor, use a bomb station to kill 3 players in one round.
Crystal/Orb Suggestions* *All crystal suggestions have percentages or stats attached, but are simply an example. Stats may not resemble the final product should they be added.
-[F]Crystal of Nullification - Upon being effected by a trait or suffix, you have a 1 in 5 chance of completely ignoring that trait or suffix.
-Crystal of Zombification - Upon being hit by a fatal shot, you have a 1 in 15 chance to ignore the lethal shot and instead live with 1 hp, instead.
-Crystal of Shattering - Each shot that you fire consumes two ammunition, but you have a 1 in 3 chance to deal an additional 10% damage with each shot fired. (Additive, not multiplicative.)
-Crystal of The Laughing Moon - *This crystal is charged by opening crescent cases.* All damage dealt and taken is reduced by 10%.
-Crystal of The Curious Djinn - You take no fall damage, but take an additional 100% fire damage.
-Crystal of The Fallen Angel - -40% Base Health, but +5% to all other stats.
[!]Godlike/Celestial Crystals
These crystals would drastically change how a player plays their ttt round, rather than change their stats.
-Crystal of Hunger - The player starts the round with greatly reduced health, but gains a portion of that health back for each correct kill that the player makes. Amounts are reduced for innocent kills as a traitor (not detective kills, though.)
"So I can eat him? - Gluttony the Voracious"
-Crystal of Blindness - The player is completely blind for the duration of the round. Walls extremely close to the player are visible in "hunter-vision", and any gunshots or footsteps made on the map will highlight the one whom made them for a short duration.
"Sometimes being blind is all that you need to see."
-Crystal of Khronos - The player's plane of existence is unstable. As such, the player will be randomly transported two seconds back in time every ten seconds, rounded to the last time the player was touching solid ground. (AKA code it to check if the player has jumped during that time, if not, tp. If so, search for the landing time and/or the time before the jump was made.)
"But if one were to travel back in time, what would one do with the gain...?"
-Crystal of Ignorance - Traits and Suffixes cannot effect you, and you cannot effect other players with traits or suffixes. (There could be more to this if needed. Perhaps a: If you are effected by a suffix, do this...)
-Crystal of The Hourglass - You lose 1 hp every six seconds, and cannot recover using HP orbs. In exchange, you recover nearby allies' health on death, and also gain 20% in mobility. (Stats could be modified, mobility is just an example.)
"Death and taxes."
Minigame Suggestions
The Wraith -
-One player is selected to be the wraith.
-The wraith changes colors every so often, let's say every thirty seconds.
-Black means that the wraith can't attack, but will heal slowly if it isn't damaged during this phase. Seek out the wraith.
-White means that the wraith can attack at normal damage. Attack normally, at a range.
-Red means that the wraith attacks at double damage and takes double damage. Take precaution.
-Each phase is announced by a small indicator, and there is a few second grace period where the wraith is unable to move or attack before its phase changes.
Rock, Paper, Scissors -
-Three SWEPs. Rock, Paper and Scissors.
-Each player can kill the respective type that they beat with a melee hit.
-Melee types either change every 10 seconds, or all players have each type and can swap back and forth.
-Kills + Time Lived = Win (1 kill = 45 Seconds = 1 point)
-Perhaps add a non-lethal rock/paper/scissors ranged shot that can be fired every so often so that people don't simply run away from a duel.
The Ground Is Lava -
-Don't run into each other's paths.
-Everyone has permanent fire boots with infinite ammunition, but without the fire.
-I recommend the entire map not be on fire, because oh my god the frames.
[F]Djinn's Chosen -
-One player is picked as the chosen, but it is kept a secret as to who it is.
-Missing a shot or incorrectly damaging someone who is not the chosen results in the fire-ee's death (for everyone but the chosen).
-A random player other than the chosen dies once every 20-30 seconds.
-Sacrifices have to be made to discover who the chosen is, but the fear of making a mistake forces players to re-think their actions and conservatively wait.
-Each player receives a standardized gun that by itself is rather weak.
-Microphones are muted, and only one limited, 20-character or less message can be sent per player. Use it wisely. Or don't, I'm not your dad.
[F]Soulless Round -
-All players are soulless, and must find souls or feast upon other players to regain health.
-Health drains at a rate of 1 per second.
-Gathering a soul gives you thirty health.
-Hitting a player with your (default) melee weapon gives you 5 health, but damages the player for 10.
-Long, drawn-out fights will kill both players.
-Leaderboard decided by time survived, souls harvested, and hits dealt.
-Trait - Simplification: Deal an additional 10-15% damage to those using a gun with two or more traits/suffixes.
-Trait - Shattering: 1 in 20 chance to crack the effected player's screen. They'll be seeing more than double for 2-3 seconds.
-Suffix - Omnom: 1 in 12 chance to remove ammunition (A percentage, perhaps?) from target's magazine, and put it into yours, instead. (No Rifle/Deagle)
-Suffix - of Tears: 1 in ? chance to clear yourself of a suffix or trait while firing.
-Rune of Evolution(Primordial) - Choose a +10 or +12 weapon to enhance. This weapon is reset, and can now become +13 or +15, respectively. Each stat is allowed to upgrade two additional times.
-Rune of The Changeling(Primordial) - Choose one item. That item is changed to another random item of the same rarity, if applicable.
-Rune of Chronos(Legendary) - Choose an enhancable gun. That gun gains triple XP for 2 hours.
-Rune of the Void(Godlike) - Choose a gun. The void can destroy, modify, or augment the gun in a number of ways, but is extremely risky. Use with caution.
-Rune of the Voracious(Godlike) - When activated, this rune will "eat" your post-round drops for 66 rounds. Instead, at the end of 66 rounds, you will receive a random reward based on how much it has consumed, and of what quality. Can be used in conjunction with other runes.
-Buff post-round minigame, please. I don't want 30 coins for winning a 1-person minigame that happens once every 2 or 3 maps

-Tier 7(77) keys, eating godlikes and celestials. The server is getting a lot of godlikes and celestials introduced, and I think it might be time for a new rarity that every really covets. (Immortal, maybe?)
-Remove keys breaking. (I heard someone broke a t5 key, that's pretty rude. I don't understand why there's a chance for a key to break. It's 10 of that rarity, as it is. Imagine if a t6 key broke. 10k just vanished from that person's inventory.)
-Make muffle useful? Perhaps the person it is applied to can't speak, hear, send ttt_radio messages, etc for a longer duration, and increase the proc rate on all guns?
[F] Make it so that the event goes on cooldown when you start it, and not when it ends. I keep doing the event later and later each night Q_Q
[F] Weekend/Weekday Bonuses - Saturday = 3x Orbital, Sunday = 5x Dragon, Monday = Double Item Drop/Higher Item Drop Chances, etc.
Make it so that +10 weapons can be re-rolled for suffixes at +10, completely resetting the weapon to 0 and giving the gun a random suffix or trait, with the chance of multiple suffixes or traits. Perhaps a rune would do this?
[!]Boxes with Traits/Suffixes: If a crate is dropped, it can have a random trait or suffix that modifies what is inside of it. Some traits may include: Increased rarity values, guaranteed coins, guaranteed stats, or modifiers on what types of guns can drop from that crate. (For example, deagles only.)
[!]Create a few more primordial/godlike/legendary masks. Getting all masks and trading them to the rune vendor gives a unique, exotic rune.
[!]Make the !cooldown command contain a parameter, similar to the !time command. The !cooldown command would now show all event cooldowns and/or vip cooldowns in addition to VIP shop and/or lobby shop reset timers. ADDITIONALLY, !cooldown * would also be possible to show all cds when in the lobby server, albeit scaled down and perhaps ignoring CDs that are not currently active (I.E. if I hadn't done Event 1 in 3 days then it wouldn't show up on the !cooldown *)
Weapon Suggestions
Eat your Candy Cane Deagle.
R + Right Click = Eat your deagle for 30hp restored.
Sword-Spear Hybrid
??? Stats.
R + Right Click = Switch to spear mode, R + Right Click = Switch back.
Each mode has respective stats. Spear deals less damage, but has longer range.
Godlike Glock (Surgeon's Scalpel)
+30% Damage
+30% Firerate
+60% Accuracy
+25% Stability
-50% Reload Speed
-10% Mobility
-40% Recoil
-5 Mag Size
-200% Deploy Time (It should feel like a primary weapon. It should be hard to switch to it in the middle of a fight.)
"Steady hands make for good work."
Godlike Effect: 1 in ? chance to black out a piece of the enemy's screen. See this for a rough idea: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3ixERABywSM/maxresdefault.jpg
Godlike Pistol (Lost Dreams)
+40% Damage
+20% Firerate
-30% Accuracy
-25% Stability
+20% Reload Speed
+25% Mobility
-10 Mag Size
"I forget the last time I had a dream that wasn't a nightmare."
Godlike Effect: 1 in ? chance to put the effected target into a dream state, causing their vision to blur and noises to become vague. While in this state, the target's health is slowly drained.
Godlike MAC-10 (Echo in the Mirror)
+35% Damage
+15% Firerate
-10% Accuracy
-15% Stability
+30% Mobility
-15 Mag Size
"The last thing my enemies see is my weapon of choice piercing their skull."
Godlike Effect: 1 in ? chance to create an afterimage in your current location, which will stand and fire at the direction you were looking for ? seconds. This deals no damage.
Godlike TMP (Ethereal Chains)
+10% Damage
+50% Firerate
-15% Accuracy
-10% Stability
+25% Mobility
+20 Mag Size
"The easiest way to immobilize someone is to take a meat hook and..." -Unknown Mafia Godfather
Godlike Effect: 1 in ? chance to attach a rope to an enemy, tying them to the nearest floor. If the target leaves much further than a few yards of the rope, they take damage and are dragged back.
Class Weapon Suggestions
Jihad right click changed to Navi "Hey, listen!"
Traitors need more stealth-based weapons. The knife is useless because a target with their back turned is an easy kill anyway, the remote bomb is high profile and extremely risky on top of being useless if your target suicides, C4 is cheap and often kills T buddies, the AWP is loud as hell and obvious, etc.
Basically, traitors need stealthier options. Turrets are one option, and other interesting options include poisons, tripwires, powerful silenced guns, and the like.
New "Feign Death" tool that creates a body out of your current playermodel and drops it as if you have died. It will then make you semi-invisible similar to a cloaker and disguise you for about 4 seconds. After 4 seconds, the body will disappear with a particle effect, you'll be uncloaked, and undisguised. If anyone were to attempt to ID the fake body, it will respond with, "Wait... This isn't real!". The tool has one use. Shooting whilst invisible makes you appear again, and undisguise.
Inside Man - Device that will tell you what traitor purchases have been made thus far in the round, so you know what to look out for.